
Expressions - Collocations of the word " authorities "

" authorities "Collocations - Expressions
authorities banned1) The authorities banned the demonstrations when the harassment began escalating.

2) After only two performances the authorities banned it altogether.

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authorities confirmed1) Regional medical authorities confirmed one death and one person wounded.

2) authorities confirmed that they expected the numbers to rise even further.

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authorities declared1) The French authorities declared the castle national property.

2) Yugoslav authorities declared the organization illegal and banned its activities.

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authorities imposed1) Instead, the authorities imposed further losses where they could.

2) The Prussian authorities imposed made-up and sometimes derogatory names.

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authorities investigate1) Local authorities investigated the event but made no arrests.

2) Are British authorities investigating his claims of experience ?

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authorities issue1) From 1925, the authorities issued steel plates to vehicle-owners annually.

2) The Chinese authorities issued a further warning insisting that the ship leave China.

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authorities seized1) Ecuadorean authorities seized the vessel before its maiden voyage.

2) authorities seized 18 kilograms of tiger remains worth almost US $80,000.

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authorities suspect1) The Polish authorities suspected some kind of underground activity.

2) According to KSL authorities suspected cartel involvement.

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authorities1) The revenue authorities keep seizing such plants regularly.

2) National air space authorities may often set tighter limits.

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Expressions with the word authorities

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