
Expressions - Collocations of the word " aural "

" aural "Collocations - Expressions
aural experience1) Balance and dynamic range are superb, offering a full-bodied, immersive aural experience .

2) You have to make a real effort to put the visual and aural experience into words.

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aural skill1) This educational form was dependent on aural skills .

2) Weekly private lessons are enhanced by classes in music theory and aural skills .

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aural visual1) The illusions appear to be both aural and visual .

2) It includes information held in written, aural, visual or database form.

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aural equivalent1) It seems to me that the Tape-beatles perform the aural equivalent of literary citation.

2) He immediately establishes that he is not concerned with cases involving perceptual deficit–the aural equivalent of color-blindness.

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aural1) This educational form was dependent on aural skills.

2) He worked closely with programmers to ensure perfect aural functionality.

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Expressions with the word aural

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