
Expressions - Collocations of the word " amalgam "

" amalgam "Collocations - Expressions
amalgam1) An amalgam filling might require complete replacement.
2) Managing waste dental amalgam properly is important for dental offices.
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amalgam filling1) An amalgam filling might require complete replacement.
2) Cremation of bodies containing amalgam fillings releases mercury into the environment.
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amalgam of1) The wall was an amalgam of different materials.
2) History is an amalgam of fact and action.
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amalgam restoration1) These particular individuals may experience adverse effects caused by amalgam restoration .
2) This is typically the case in amalgam restorations and endodontic treatment.
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an amalgam of1) The wall was an amalgam of different materials.
2) History is an amalgam of fact and action.
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be amalgam1) The wall was an amalgam of different materials.
2) History is an amalgam of fact and action.
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dental amalgam1) Managing waste dental amalgam properly is important for dental offices.
2) dental amalgam contains about 50 % mercury.
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form amalgam1) With mercury, it forms an amalgam .
2) Unlike many other metals, iron does not form amalgams with mercury.
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mercury amalgam1) Today, I had two old, mercury amalgam patched gold crowns removed.
2) The Swedish government banned the use of mercury amalgam in June 2009.
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Expressions with the word amalgam

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