
affine Collocations
affine1) I claim these finite open sets are affine schemes.
2) A more mathematically motivated account of affine connections.
more affine sentences
affine algebraic1) Thus it is an affine algebraic variety.
2) An irreducible affine algebraic set is also called an affine variety.
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affine connection1) A more mathematically motivated account of affine connections .
2) An affine connection defines a notion of development of curves.
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affine frame1) Four non-coplanar points in the scene define this affine frame .
2) Visual tracking routines initialized on the feature points that define the affine frame provide the location values.
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affine geometry1) In mathematics, affine geometry is the study of parallel lines.
2) Projective geometry is less restrictive than either Euclidean geometry or affine geometry .
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affine group1) Two affine Coxeter groups can be multiplied together.
2) The affine group has a unitary irreducible representation on the Hilbert space __FORMULA__.
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affine model1) We integrate this returnforecasting factor into an affine model .
2) Fortunately, the structure of the affine model allows a much simpler understanding.
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affine plane1) Rudimentary affine planes are constructed from ordered pairs taken from a ternary ring.
2) The Euclidean plane and the Moulton plane are examples of infinite affine planes .
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affine point1) Harris affine region points tend to be small and numerous.
2) The set of affine points is given by: __FORMULA__.
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affine scheme1) I claim these finite open sets are affine schemes .
2) Sometimes other algebraic sites replace the category of affine schemes .
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affine space1) Every linear space is also an affine space .
2) A small virtual sphere was displayed at this location in affine space .
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affine transformation1) Non-rigid transformations include affine transformations such as scaling and shear mapping.
2) For more information, consult the Wikipedia article on affine transformations .
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affine variety1) We shall show it is locally an affine variety .
2) Thus it is an affine algebraic variety .
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affines1) They are affines , allied to us by marriage.
2) Fans, in other words, are affines of media property and of other fans.
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