
Expressions - Collocations of the word " airplay "

" airplay "Collocations - Expressions
airplay1) The song subsequently received little radio airplay .
2) The distribution of royalties is based upon airplay .
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airplay chart1) It also topped the UK airplay charts for several weeks.
2) The song also peaked at 20 on the Spanish airplay chart .
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considerable airplay1) It also received considerable airplay on MTV.
2) The track received considerable airplay and moderate success in adult contemporary formats.
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extensive airplay1) These releases garnered extensive airplay on BBC Radio 1.
2) The album and single received extensive airplay on BBC Radio 2.
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gain airplay1) A video was recorded and gained substantial airplay in Russia .
2) The album gained regular airplay on Seattle's KEXP-FM in 2005.
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get a lot of airplay1) Other genres get a lot of airplay , even the upcoming ones.
2) The song got a lot of airplay , as did the flip side 'Readers Wives'.
more get a lot of airplay sentences
get airplay1) So tired of auto tuned non performers getting airplay .
2) Can an independently produced recording get sufficient radio airplay ?
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give airplay1) The album was given some airplay on college radio.
2) However, only the single was not given airplay .
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heavy airplay1) Its music video received heavy airplay on music television channels.
2) The single received heavy airplay among Mexican pop radio stations.
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little airplay1) The song subsequently received little radio airplay .
2) Despite very positive reviews it received very little airplay .
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more airplay1) By 1987, freestyle began getting more airplay on US pop radio stations.
2) Due to its extreme reception, Nina became a radio favorite as her songs gained more airplay .
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much airplay1) The single did not get much airplay .
2) It did not receive much airplay .
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radio airplay1) The song subsequently received little radio airplay .
2) It was distributed solely for radio airplay .
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receive airplay1) The song subsequently received little radio airplay .
2) The single received significant radio airplay following its release.
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regular airplay1) The album gained regular airplay on Seattle's KEXP-FM in 2005.
2) Consequently Rotaru gained regular airplay on state radio and television and was systematically billed for state-organized concerts.
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significant airplay1) The single received significant radio airplay following its release.
2) The title track also received significant airplay .
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substantial airplay1) A video was recorded and gained substantial airplay in Russia .
2) Both songs still get substantial airplay on oldies radio and remain fan favorites.
more substantial airplay sentences

Expressions with the word airplay

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