
extremely apprehensive in a sentence

1) Her publishers were extremely apprehensive about the release as well as its commercial potential.

apprehensive collocations
2) I was extremely apprehensive about this, I had not been on a hyper-coaster before.

3) The curia is extremely apprehensive to share any of that authority, especially with lay persons.

extremely apprehensive example sentences

4) Moody's magical eye spun around to stare at Ron; Ron looked extremely apprehensive , but after a moment Moody smiled - the first time Harry had seen him do so.

5) Of the three countries, Pakistan is extremely apprehensive of the future of Afghan stability, in terms of external influences and investments in Kabul.

6) I was very happy about the way things went although extremely apprehensive before the Conference took place since we had so many jigsaw pieces to slot in.

7) The thought of a visit from Esther slightly cheered Alix, who was feeling, despite her smiles, extremely unhappy, extremely apprehensive .

8) MD : For example, in 76 I think people were extremely apprehensive I think many parents and friends of the school got together and formed committees.

9) "Help me, will you?" Looking extremely apprehensive , Krum moved forward and squatted down next to Mr. Crouch.

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