
regional airline in a sentence

1) Other regional airlines have dramatically lower costs.

airline collocations
2) This arrangement was eventually formalized, forming a the regional airlines .

3) In Canada, there are a number of regional airlines .

regional airline example sentences

4) Widerøe is a regional airline and was subsidiary of SAS.

5) European regional airlines serve the intra-continental sector in Europe.

6) Australia has benefitted from an efficient and reliable regional airline like Rex.

7) The South Terminal serves regional airlines which fly mostly within British Columbia.

8) July 2012: regional leadership airline , airline Business magazine.

9) Air Nostrum, a regional airline , is headquartered in Valencia.

10) Many of these smaller regional airlines were eventually bought by the larger flag carriers.

11) Since 1984, it has been used for regional airlines using approved STOL-type aircraft.

12) TAM and Brasil Central were both regional airlines and operated in different designated areas.

13) Antrak Air Ghana is emerging as West Africa 's most important regional airline .

14) This effort gave birth to Air Highways Magazine , distributed through airports and regional airlines .

15) The University Park Airport, serving four regional airlines , is near University Park.

example sentences with regional airline

16) A regional airline is not allowed to fly to a metro city outside its own region .

17) He turned to AirAsia , the regional low-cost airline , and got a ticket.

18) Many regional airlines grew, and looked to expand traffic to Canada and Latin America.

19) This included its regional subsidiary airlines , which still continued to trade despite Ansett being grounded.

20) Mesa Airlines, Inc. is an American regional airline based in Phoenix, Arizona.

21) Air France also codeshared with regional French airlines , TAT being the most prominent.

22) The airport is a regional hub of AirAsia group, a regional low-cost no-frills airline .

23) That is, there was no strong distinction between a regional airline and any other airline.

24) The airport is used by civil aviation, air ambulances, and regional airlines using turboprop planes.

25) American Eagle, the airline's regional airline has the same special livery on ERJ-145 aircraft.

26) In June 1988 ILG took over Connectair, a small, Gatwick-based regional airline .

27) Coast Air AS was a regional airline based at Haugesund Airport, Karmøy in Norway.

28) In North America many of the largest regional airlines have joined the lobbying group regional airline Association.

How to use regional airline in a sentence

29) Under the deal, this is scheduled to re-launch as a new regional , full service airline .

30) In the United States, regional airlines were an important building block of today's passenger air system.

31) The airport is used for civil aviation, medevac flights, and regional airlines using STOL-type turboprop aircraft.

32) Still operates charter flights, houses the headquarters of Passaredo important regional airline , and a flying club.

33) Widerøe's Flyveselskap AS, trading as Widerøe, is a regional airline operating in Norway.

34) Swire intended to make it into a top-class regional airline serving cities in the East and Australia.

35) There are requirements that are only gained by working for a regional airline before moving to a major carrier.

36) Regional airlines began by operating propeller-driven aircraft over short routes, sometimes on flights of less than 100 miles.

37) Skywest was merged into Virgin Australia and a new regional airline named Virgin Australia regional airlines was created.

38) Olympic Air () is a regional airline , a subsidiary of the Greek airline carrier Aegean Airlines.

39) Just like regional airlines , the contractor will operate the aircraft with their own flight number and call sign.

40) Lufthansa Regional, a brand operated by an alliance of several small regional airlines , including Lufthansa CityLine.

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