
await clearance in a sentence

1) Both switched over to London Radar to await clearance to climb.

2) The deal is awaiting clearance from the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs .

await collocations
3) Jet is awaiting clearance by the Securities and Exchange Board of India for its deal with Etihad.

4) He encoded a message to Control saying he had decided to abandon the DEA assignment and would await clearance for departure.

await clearance example sentences

5) Others have suggested that in patients with a high reticulocytosis there might be a backlog of new cells awaiting clearance and 'depitting' by the spleen, the so called 'overload syndrome'.

6) This branch has broken away from the trunk at a height of 25 feet and covers a far greater area of ground as its debris awaits clearance.

7) The CMWU has created a list of prioritized elements items including pipes, generators, and pumps awaiting clearance by the Israeli authorities for entry into Gaza.

8) For example, some passengers were held on board their plane awaiting clearance for take off for nearly 11 hours before they returned to their gate and the flight was cancelled.

9) One more block which had previously objected to by the Commerce Ministry too had been cleared, bringing down the number of blocks awaiting clearances from 47 to 39.

10) his participation in Game 4 was awaiting clearance from doctors and pre-game warm-ups, but teammates liked what they saw out of the 33-year-old.

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