
cloud backup in a sentence

1) Some backup vendors offer hybrid solutions, combining both local and cloud backup.

2) ZCB 4 is a huge step forward for the idea of cloud backup.

backup collocations
3) Flexibility of choosing where to store backup data: Users of cloud backup have different needs.

4) Note that ZCB allows you to set independent retention policies for local backups and cloud backups.

cloud backup example sentences

5) However, cloud backup becomes untenable if the quantity of data you are dealing with is huge.

6) A well-known challenge of new technologies such as cloud backup is that there are no set standards.

7) With ZCB 4.5, you now can monitor the retention period of all cloud backups on the dashboard.

8) Seagate Business Storage provides a secure cost-effective solution that works well with existing cloud backup and online sharing services .

9) We have also added cloud backup features to give users more control over their backups for speed and data priority.

10) The ability to specify the exact retention duration of cloud backups is one of the most valued features of ZCB.

11) For this reason we recommend users use local backups to supplement cloud backups (e.g., providing fast local access).

12) New features include support for Xz (LZMA2) compression and additional features such as WinZip Express and cloud backup.

13) I am very excited to share that today Zmanda has combined forces with Carbonite - the best known brand in cloud backup.

14) Our customers have the option to bundle our Managed Services with other cloud solutions like cloud backup and Security as a Service .

example sentences with backup

15) Scheduling uploads for making them efficient and unobtrusive: One key issue for many businesses while considering cloud backup is the lack of adequate internet bandwidth.

16) With all this excitement it is easy to get carried away and think of using Dropbox to solve a problem which it was never designed to solve – a robust cloud backup.

17) Encrypted cloud data backup is one of the most secure ways to store data, as the data is stored remotely, typically on geographically distant and redundant systems.

18) Many new features have been added to Hyper-V, including network virtualization, multi-tenancy, storage resource pools, cross-premise connectivity, and cloud backup.

19) Whitepaper: Achieving security with cloud data protection Today, more and more companies recognize the value and convenience of using cloud backup to protect their server data.

20) You can also consider cloud backup, but again, you'll have to rely on the security of the system you choose.

21) That's why many of the services allow you to set up a secondary local backup using the same interface and administrative tools you use for the cloud backup.

22) Now, MSP clients can monitor the VaultLogix Advantage cloud backup and recovery service from one central platform, thus streamlining operations and freeing up valuable internal resources.

23) We took a hard look at what users wanted to achieve with cloud backup and compared that with the available solutions on the market.

24) cloud backup to Three Continents Now Includes Japan

25) -Support SD card backup and cloud backup using Google Drive or Dropbox .

26) Cloud-based de-dupe and data protection: A big piece of the new era of cloud backup will mean de-duplicating mission/business-critical data before it is sent to a cloud service.

27) " Even with today's technological advances in cloud data backup and recovery, instances such as these continue to plague small municipalities, government agencies and medical facilities.

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