
back bend in a sentence

1) Ana is locked hard into a back bending custom made metal bondage device.

2) The drum major is best known for the back bend performed during pregame.

back collocations
3) The more open back bends have limited use, but this could be improved.

4) If one sees his back bent in a dream, it means a misfortune.

back bend example sentences

5) backs bent against the gusts, they tirelessly scratch at the ground with primitive tools.

6) Matthew used the hat-less back bend for the rest of his career as drum major.

7) It is a therapeutic series and has an even balance of back bending and forward bending.

8) Since approximately 2003, the hat-less back bend has become the standard for Michigan drum majors.

9) I did supported back bends but wasn't allowed to do forward bends for a long time.

10) The back bends could be more versatile if they had flatter carvers, with more radius in the stem.

11) For example, women who are menstruating should not practice inverted poses, back bends, or vigorous standing poses.

12) This back bending pose tones and lengthens the abdominal core u0026 trunk, strengthening the shoulders, thighs and back.

13) Helpful exercises include shoulder squeezes, back bends, walking, and tightening and contracting the buttocks, she added.

14) Gouges and chisels can be straight, curved, bent or back bent along the length of the tool shank.

example sentences with back

15) It utilizes all of the design features of RHINO better and adds a back bend that attaches directly to the fascia.

16) Lift your chest, bring your hands to the back of your chair and inhale while doing a gentle back bend.

17) She also takes a dramatic back bend in the number, which Astaire hadn't used since the RKO black-and-whites with Ginger.

18) Vanda, now 90, until just recently continued to teach and practice vigorous back bends and reverse postures (see Yoga Journal article May-June, 1996).

19) Instead I really wore myself out with 3×3 at 175lbs and the next day I strained my back bending over to fill my water bottle.

20) Caution born of a desire not to lose this precious thing at the end of your string softens your arms and hands and makes your back bend and your knees weak.

21) Urban executives, backs bent in permanent begging postures, cannot resist federal funds, even when they are used to displace forever their own constituents.

22) There is always a closing sequence which consists of a number of back bends and forward bends and a slowing down of the postures and a final relaxation period while one lies in Shavasana.

23) The best way to hike in small dinghies, like the Laser and the FJ, is with your legs completely straight, and your back bent slightly.

24) Within seconds the veins reappeared, his blood seemed to thicken to tar, and his back bent under the weight of the Veil's curse once again.

25) Some arhats appear to face outwards with backs bent over like a crescent-shaped moon, or gaze skywards with a gaping mouth and hands folded in behind the back.

26) He paints their faces chalk white and demonstrates a series of moves he expects them to make on the runway, including deep back bends.

27) These poses were incorporated to isolate openings in for example, the stomach and spleen meridians for a back bend, the liver and gall bladder meridians for a wide-legged side bend, and so on.

28) Tempy took one look at her mistress as she clung to the door handle, her back bent under the pain, and tugged on the bell-pull.

29) Marney's own choreography has a classical sensibility – although it's at its best when he throws in contemporary motifs, such as sudden scissoring arms or a full back bend into a walkover.

30) There are too many people, in both management and in the lower level positions, who are willing to break their backs bending over for film studios.

31) I actually have a stress fracture to prove it ... "I went to a doctor afterwards and he said, 'Have you been doing any gymnastics or any hyper extending or back bends?

32) So the characters in the sequel recognize Nell as being that girl who breaks her fingers, does her back bend and acts possessed.

33) They end up developing a type of scoliosis where the upper back bends too much and the neck and chin jut forward too much.

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