
top award in a sentence

1) Khrushchev personally approved giving the top award to the American musician.

2) They took top awards by downing all opposition.

award collocations
3) Hogging the limelight... top award for wildlife video.

4) The festival's top award is the Best of Festival award.

top award example sentences

5) The program's top award is the Summit Achievement Award.

6) A HOTEL owner is celebrating after picking up a top award.

7) Asian American writers have received numerous top awards in fiction and nonfiction writing.

8) The logo appears on all reels and 5 logos is the top award.

9) The film won the top award at the 2007 edition of Fantasporto.

10) The St. Louis Exposition cream separators top awards were awarded to one company.

11) The top award in GGKA's ratings of 2008 went to MKN.

12) In 1990 Orange Foundation receives the top award for corporate philanthropy from ADMICAL.

13) This top award is made even better with the removal of any max bet requirements.

14) Mrs Fulton said no one from New Zealand had won the top award before.

example sentences with award

15) For instance, we require that all machines lock up on the top award.

16) GM sweeps top awards at .

17) The Queen's Venturer award is the top award in the Venturer section.

18) A film explaining everything you ever wanted to know about hedgehogs has won a top award.

19) Community Champions Win top Award!

20) At age 26, Soderbergh became the youngest director to win the festival's top award.

21) But we want more than just our top award decided by you, the readers.

22) The top award it offered was 5 million yuan ($810, 000 ).

23) It has won some of the top awards in Ireland, Northern Ireland and England.

24) And can you imagine the confusion if Affleck takes the DGA's top award next weekend?

25) One of the region's independent radio stations has won a top award at the radio Oscars.

26) PFA Scotland Chief Executive Fraser Wishart commented : "This is the top award for players.

27) The Chief Scout's award was established in 1973 as the top award in the Scout section.

How to use award in a sentence

28) The Explorer advancement badge is the last advancement badge before the top award (Springbok Badge).

29) Springbok (top Award) : This badge is the top Scout award in South Africa.

30) An award, the Varsity Scout Letter, was designated as the top award for Varsity Scouts.

31) top awards are given for the best net and best gross scores with over £200 in cash prizes.

32) A NURSERY sales director with a lifetime of work in the horticultural industry has won a top award.

33) He twice received the Sherman Kent Award, the CIA's top award for outstanding contributions to intelligence.

34) The Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Concerts Society has scooped a top award for the sixth year on the run.

35) A leading optics researcher at the University of Strathclyde has received a top award from the Institute of Physics.

36) It won the top award, the Golden Bear for Best Film, at the Berlinale Film Festival.

37) The 1958 Panorama was entered into the British and the Nice coach rallies, winning top awards at both events.

38) Beecher's again won a top award from the American Cheese Society for their Marco Polo cheese in 2008.

39) THE MAN whose effort and vision was behind the creation of Theatr Clwyd has been nominated for a top award.

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