
challenge await in a sentence

1) Your final challenge awaits..." Paul stands ready.

2) What looked like an even more daunting challenge awaited.

await collocations
3) A move to new territory, where new challenges await.

4) What are the dangerous challenges awaiting Sabina?

challenge await example sentences

5) Two more challenges await with games against Persiba Bantul and PSS Sleman.

6) But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?

7) It is the goal of WCMS to prepare our students for the challenges awaiting them in high school.

8) A colossal challenge awaits Clarence Seedorf at Milan, but one he will surely embrace with open arms.

9) Several challenges await in the Dread Realm, with one such challenge being the party's strength suddenly and unexpectedly plummeting.

10) Ackermann said a big challenge awaits his young group, especially as they're up against the free-scoring Chiefs, first up.

11) Mu'een Manna', researcher at al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, saw that there will be challenges awaiting Hamas.

12) Mad River Canoes have the strength and agility to handle whatever challenges await them – paddle across the pond or into the wilderness with absolute peace of mind.

13) Or whether this kind of scorched-earth political combat offers the best model for resolving the comparable challenges awaiting the next president, as some may now insist.

14) Just as the Cats agree about the magnitude of the challenge awaiting them on offense, they also know a getting off to a good start will be crucial to taking it on.

example sentences with await

15) Shedd's report was a windfall for the Board of Trustees and the General Education Board and provided a professional educator's candid assessment of the challenges awaiting the next President of Fisk.

16) Like its predecessor, five contestants and their nominators enter the "Handyman Rehabilitation Centre", where a series of challenges await them.

17) After the country became independent in 1968, education became one of the main preoccupations of the Mauritian Government to meet the new challenges awaiting the country.

18) But if your organization is looking to explore IoT as a business strategy, be warned that a number of technical and administrative challenges await you.

19) How about you would just like to relax, feel good, and go to sleep while preparing yourself to meet whatever challenges await you tomorrow.

20) There are 4 difficult levels of the game, from Easy to Expert, 2000 levels in total, the challenge awaits you!

21) Even if Corbett manages to get the deal back on track, another challenge awaits in court - from Democratic legislators and the union that represents lottery employees.

22) It adds that " if there is one country that exemplifies the challenges awaiting Africa as it becomes richer and more developed it is South Africa".

23) Then some men enter the room and he turns and walks off and speaks into his Galaxy Gear device to clear his schedule, sensing the imposing and difficult challenge awaiting the team.

24) "It's a different challenge awaiting us for the race.

25) From the programme, what are the challenges awaiting leadership in the future? 175

26) Numerous challenges await Merkel Brussels /Paris - Once Angela Merkel has savoured her third and biggest general election victory, the small issue of Europe awaits.

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