
aware that in a sentence

1) People were aware that devil spirits did affect mankind negatively.

2) The athletic director is aware that cuts were made.

aware collocations
3) I am aware that those are more expensive.

4) Be aware that prices are usually quite high.

aware that example sentences

5) Be aware that eye contact is culturally ordained.

6) Be aware that testimonies are always somewhat subjective.

7) Americans are increasingly aware that marijuana has medicinal properties.

8) Be aware that no vaccination is 100 percent effective.

9) Be aware that there are likely more.

10) I become aware that someone is calling my name.

11) People are aware that there are huge problems.

12) Do be aware that lead tastes sweet.

13) He became aware that she was trembling.

14) I am aware that your intentions were pure.

example sentences with aware

15) Then she was aware that others voices were joining hers.

16) It involves becoming aware that you are dreaming.

17) Then she gradually became aware that something was very wrong.

18) He was aware that he had drunk too much coffee.

19) Also be aware that economic affordability is important too.

20) They simply remain acutely aware that the fear is extreme.

21) Is he aware that 10 per cent.

22) Is he aware that 50 per cent.

23) She became aware that she was very hungry.

24) Be aware that bottled water may not contain fluoride .

25) I am aware that further demonstrations are planned this weekend.

26) People are seldom aware that an outdoor background sound exists.

27) Revolutionary propaganda is aware that it is propaganda.

How to use aware in a sentence

28) Be aware that the second link has four pages .

29) He had become aware that nobody recognized him.

30) I am aware that this sounds insulting.

31) I was vaguely aware that my death was imminent.

32) All are aware that education is a continuing process.

33) People become aware that their clothes were dry.

34) Serial entrepreneurs are aware that launching a successful startup is difficult.

35) I became aware that I was speaking too loudly.

36) Are parents aware that Shen provides bus transportation?

37) My kids aren't aware that anything is wrong.

38) But I vividly recall becoming aware that particular books were prone .

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