
awaken noise in a sentence

1) The entire neighborhood is awakened by the noise .

2) The noise awakens the platoon and Hartman.

awaken collocations
3) The people living near the area were awakened by the noise .

4) The noise awakens his son, who enters to find his father dead.

awaken noise example sentences

5) At 2 a.m. next morning he was awakened by noise in the compound.

6) That night, Hastings is awakened by a noise and sees Norton entering his bedroom.

7) The workmen didn't start until after 8 am and we were never awakened by noise .

8) awakened by the noise, Nupur Talwar came to Aarushi's room.

9) Brooke, who was sleeping in her grandmother's bed, was awakened by the noise .

10) At Fort George, Brock had been awakened by the noise of the artillery at Queenston.

11) Pod is awakened by the noises and scares the crocodiles, known as "Allodaposuchus" away.

12) But the noise has awakened the Innkeeper, who enters and kindly tells Quixote that he must leave.

13) TBS reported that the resident of the sixth-floor apartment was awakened by a noise of crashing glass and called police to report that an intruder was on his balcony.

14) This is conservative by comparison with the large-scale British field study, which found only 1.3% awakened by indoor noise less than 65 dB.

example sentences with awaken

15) A large-scale British study found that only 1 in 75 people (1.3%) were awakened by noise measuring 80 dB (L Amax ) outdoors, which would correspond to 65 dB indoors.

16) Unable to go to sleep again, even my brother who was awakened by the noise, we passed the night together; my father, though awakened, remained in his room with a municipal.

17) Marksberry's youngest child, her son, Cody, 6, was awakened by the noise, and came into the bedroom during the attack, and told his mother he'd had a bad dream.

18) He finally fell asleep until he was awakened by a booming noise ; the march of Yeomra and his soldiers to the Siwang Maji ritual, held in the realm of the mortals.

19) Late one night, Simon and Miriamele are awakened by a noise outside their tent, and to their shock and amazement, it is Prince Josua.

20) His wife was awakened by a noise and arrived at the door of his bedroom just as a large, axe-wielding man was fleeing the scene.

21) The Larsens' 9-year old son Billy was awakened by the noise and came out of his room, but was returned to it and locked in by Latoatama.

22) Lieutenant Jocelyn Feltham, the assistant to the fort's commander, Captain William Delaplace, was awakened by the noise, and called to wake the captain.

23) Mom Heather Schreck was awakened by the strange noise, and when she grabbed her cellphone to check on the baby, she noticed the camera was moving around ... but she wasn't moving it.

24) One of the women, who was visiting her sister's home, was awakened by noise from the garage, Morales said.

25) A Story from My Own Experience Once I was awakened by noises in my basement at approximately 3 A.M. My house is a two story with a full basement.

26) Sad to say, the lovers did not let the neighbors in on their little plan and one of them was awakened by the noise .

27) 'What is the matter?' cried his comrades, awakened by the noise of his fall.

28) "At 5:13 AM on April 18, 1906, I was awakened by a roaring noise .

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