
avoid charge in a sentence

1) The man dressed as Batman avoided charge, however.

2) Given the circumstances and the fog, he consented to avoid charging me.

avoid collocations
3) Women are more likely to avoid charges entirely, and to avoid imprisonment if convicted.

4) They claimed it was a "typographical error" to avoid charges of voter suppression.

avoid charge example sentences

5) You must cancel prior to the end of your trial to avoid charges to your credit card.

6) Lehman, to avoid charges of partisanship, asked four prominent Republicans to serve as special prosecutor.

7) In this episode Anselm was careful, and managed to both avoid charges of simony, and be generous.

8) WhatsApp has over 450 million users per month and is popular with people looking to avoid charges for text messaging.

9) In order to avoid charges of hypocrisy or racism it would have to take the lead in population reduction efforts.

10) In the first introduction, to the theologians of the Sorbonne, Descartes takes pains to avoid charges of heresy.

11) The council have looked at three proposals: Cuts, of at least sixteen million pounds, thus avoiding charge capping.

12) Perhaps to avoid charges of favoritism, Winsch reduced significantly the number of games and innings pitched by Faut in 1950.

13) He says that the budget is a disaster, there's no way that the county can now avoid charge capping.

14) As a result, Casey is arrested, although he avoids charges and is released after having spent the night in prison.

example sentences with avoid

15) You could consider using this as a strategy to force the university to drop charges or to avoid charging students in the first place.

16) In the name of harmonisation, and to avoid charges of unfair trading, she says all 12 countries must fall into step with the one with the toughest rules.

17) With the support of Presenting sponsor Yamaha and many other national sponsors, Buckmasters is able to avoid charging consumers to attend the show.

18) The case for privatising British Rail has little to do with saving money: private companies will probably have to waste even more on safety to avoid charges of putting profits before lives.

19) For this reason, when asked to host a Commonwealth conference in Ottawa, the Canadian government agreed only on the condition that the USA was also invited, to avoid charges of 'ganging up'.

20) By creating direct connections between each other's lines in the structure, telecom providers avoid charges imposed by linking through a third-party hub.

21) Since it works in Muslim-majority countries around the world -- Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait -- the Pentagon takes great pains to avoid charges of Islamophobia.

22) Often, such a large number of factors could influence a probability calculation that the choice of which to take into account must be made with the greatest of care in order to avoid charges of bias.

23) Accused among other things of being a gangster, a drug trafficker and an unapologetic admirer of Adolf Hitler, he had fled abroad to Panama in 1986 to avoid charges of embezzling public funds.

24) Payment of bribes in order to escape and avoid charges was also commonplace; 31% of 4,224 respondents reported paying bribes to the police.

25) Non-Mormon neighbors of Gilbert Webb had a less generous view of the man, noting he had left Utah a decade earlier to avoid charges of grand larceny.

26) In other areas, it may be taken to a landfill or it may be illegally dumped somewhere unknown, to avoid charges.

27) He spent the winter of 756 and the summer of 757 as a captive in rebel-occupied Chang'an, but later managed to escape and join with Suzong's side, and thus avoid charges of treason.

28) It may be connected to mains electricity supply at the end of the journey to avoid charging using the on-board internal combustion engine.

29) They are avoiding charging sales tax on the cost of the meal because the amount is tacked on the bill after the sales tax is calculated.

30) The figures, which were announced at the weekend, disappointed most and led to warnings of cuts in services to avoid charge capping.

31) A third trader – Bruno Iksil, who was nicknamed "the London Whale" for his role in the huge positions – avoided charges and instead struck a nonprosecution deal with the authorities.

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