
augment strength in a sentence

1) In 1808, its strength was augmented to 1300 men.

2) Monroe had augmented strength and reflexes superior to that of any Olympic athlete.

augment collocations
3) In 2010, 11 Para SF was raised in Agra to augment the strength of the special forces.

4) They were considered a compromise between cruiser and battleship and were intended to augment capital ship strength in battle squadrons.

augment strength example sentences

5) Tactical Air Command launched eight F-100D squadrons from its Composite Air Strike Force to augment USAFE strength with 144 fighters.

6) augmenting Rhino's strength using gamma rays, the Leader directs the villain to prevent the wedding of Banner to Betty Ross.

7) To augment the Battalion's strength, three hundred enlisted men and three officers were assigned to it from the Korean Army, but they stayed with us only a few weeks.

8) Nonetheless, the scheme gives the opposition parties a platform to share their political ideas, as well as augment opposition strength in Parliament as a check on the executive.

9) The presence of the American squadron augmented the strength of the Grand Fleet to the point where any confrontation attempted by the Germans would likely have been futile.

10) The wing's strength was augmented by Nos. 381 and 481 Squadrons, and later No. 111 Mobile Fighter Control Unit (No. 111 MFCU).

11) In 1972, tactical fighter strength was augmented at Udorn by deployed Tactical Air Command CONUS-based squadrons in response to the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam.

12) The regiment has tried raising new battalions to augment the strength of the special forces however the task hasn't been completed due to the tough selection phase.

13) Since then, the block, which could have augmented the hospital bed strength to 1,000 from the existing 450, is mired in bureaucratic delays.

14) The disbanded soldiery merely augmented the numerical strength of the Khalsa; it had few generals and fewer arms and no means of getting arms and supplies.

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