
amber in a sentence

1) Very cool translucent amber plastic tuner buttons.

amber collocations
2) Some read olive while others appear amber .

3) The flashing red lights turn to amber .

amber example sentences

4) The natural color is white to amber .

5) Do join the amber "feast".

6) The building was eventually illuminated in amber .

7) This culture is associated with amber trade.

8) The original team colours were amber and black.

9) Sable creams may more closely resemble amber cream or classic cream.

10) The coat color falls between amber and classic cream.

11) The oil is amber brown and rather thick.

12) This pressed amber yields brilliant interference colors in polarized light.

13) He smoked through a long amber cigarette holder.

14) It has a beautiful saturated amber colour.

15) They emit a really soft amber glow .

example sentences with amber

16) These cats usually possess eyes of rich amber .

17) His pale amber eyes register no expression.

18) Windows streamed amber and red seasonal lights.

19) Amber is 3rd in the individual standings.

20) The amber light enhanced the rich tones of nautical oak.

21) The amber is quite another educational read for me.

22) Their bodies became incorporated into the solid amber .

23) Two tears dropped from his amber eyes.

24) The variety of amber goods then offered was already unexpectedly high.

25) Amber was always present in their culture.

26) It keeps a sharp amber note all along.

27) Standard traffic signal with amber and green right turn arrows.

28) The front parking lights were changed from transparent to amber .

How to use amber in a sentence

29) Amber faced several challenges as a young woman.

30) Amber eyes were considered a sign of great destiny.

31) The amber trade gave them access to imported products.

32) He has dark brown hair and amber eyes and is buff.

33) The eighth set discussed magnetism and the ninth discussed amber .

34) This kind of amber is known as "bony amber".

35) This kind of amber is known as "bony amber ".

36) Ancient bugs from 230 million years ago found in amber !

37) Even her buttons were made of amber .

38) Amber did something really nasty to her.

39) Black with amber eyes and blue eyes.

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