
scratch back in a sentence

1) He scratched the back of his neck.

2) I nodded, scratching the back of my neck uncomfortably.

back collocations
3) backs were scratched, all around.

4) He scratches the back of his head with one hand and half-laughs at Terry.

scratch back example sentences

5) He was absentmindedly scratching the back of Deans neck, nails lightly scraping along his skin.

6) He looked at the sky, and scratched the back of his neck with the bat.

7) It needed a good heave and his back was badly scratched afterwards ," Mr Waterman said.

8) The Egyptian government needs to scratch the back of another country, and have their back scratched by others.

9) This really does put a cramp in things." He scratches the back of his head, then sighs.

10) The rumpled millionaire stood above them, eyes narrowed to note their reaction, one hand scratching the back of his head.

11) Ahahaha." He scratches the back of his head, but before Nanami can urge him on again, he continues.

12) No thanks." The maniac scratches the back of his head and turns his back to the girl, looking off at a random direction.

13) As any trainee hack will know, you sometimes have to scratch a back or lick an arse in order to get anywhere.

14) Therefore, TYT and similar programs will do what they need to do to scratch the backs of their fellow travelers and attack any counter-narrative.

example sentences with back

15) Yes, surely there are little issues here or there that are different, but both are scratching the same backs behind closed doors.

16) Imagine a world in which we used some part of our bodies to express affection and even give a certain level of pleasure to another–for example, using your hands to scratch someone's back.

17) Jikki was scratching the back of another Roly-Rogue with a sharp garden rake, while Jikki's six servants stood in a solemn row at his back.

18) Which if its outright destruction, I'll stop her." He scratches the back of his head for a few moments, before nodding.

19) And I wasn't sure if I could walk here in time." Eren stuttered, scratching the back of his head.

20) It is said that Naamah in her passion scratched the backs of patrons who pleased her, and that the resulting scars never faded; thus the tattoo is done in homage and remembrance.

21) During the song "A Duo", he suggested they stop the music where the lyrics mention "back scratch" and have Fievel actually scratch Tiger's back.

22) All these people can't shop online, they can't play games online, all they can do is go buy a little scratch card at the 7-11, and they go back to scratch the back of the card.

23) What immediately turned me off was that while explaining the popular sandwich choices, he proceeded to lift his cap and started scratching the back of his head.

24) Minato encounters a mysterious Masked Man and cryptic words are exchanged, leaving both Minato and the player scratching the back of their heads.

25) And big oil and govt go wayyy back and they scratch each others' backs and then this happens and it's like finger pointing spiderwebs.

26) "Oh, no, Leon," said Philpott, scratching the back of his neck.

27) "But, how did Nee-san get all this?" The little girl gave her an embarrassed smile and scratched the back of her head.

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