
backup service in a sentence

1) Companies may subscribe to backup services provided by a data center.

2) The backup service offered by Backblaze is really impressive .

backup collocations
3) If applicable a remote backup service can be deployed as well.

4) The story began in my quest for a hefty online backup service.

backup service example sentences

5) MozyHome is the consumer version of the Mozy backup service.

6) This is a great backup service for beginning or stumped Webmasters alike!

7) When using a cloud provider, Biddulph said that backup services are critical.

8) Ten bucks buys you a decrepit, painfully slow and generally poor backup service.

9) Just Cloud is a terrible backup service So, I've been duped.

10) Carbonite is one of the more dependable on the internet backup services currently available.

11) Backblaze is an online backup service designed from the ground-up for the Mac.

12) The MyRepono plugin pricing is a bit different than most other off-site backup services .

13) Within the cloud computing space, cloud storage and backup services are among the most popular.

14) The hosting company has elaborate data backup services to ensure data is not lost if servers go down.

example sentences with backup

15) I am impressed with your service and our TKL image (and the backup service).

16) Backblaze, another highly regarded company specializing in backup services, is also on-board as a sponsor.

17) The hacker apparently took advantage of a security flaw in Apple's online backup service, iCloud.

18) And if they have a generator, is it the correct size for the best backup service?

19) If you are looking for a simple online data backup service using Syncplicity makes a lot of sense.

20) The vast majority of the workforce provided support services such as scribes, toolmakers and other backup services.

21) Xdrive also provided remote backup services and 50GB of storage for a $9.95 per month fee.

22) Mozy provides a more traditional form of backup service and it requires you to pay a monthly fee.

23) Remote backup service : As broadband Internet access becomes more widespread, remote backup services are gaining in popularity.

24) Remote backup service : As broadband Internet access becomes more widespread, remote backup services are gaining in popularity.

25) Cloud Storage One of the recent methods for backing up files is the use of Cloud-based backup services .

26) Flexibility: The bulk of these cloud storage and backup services are offered on a pay-as-you-go, subscription basis.

27) It also employs terabytes of storage, secure firewalls and encrypted backup services to ensure no single point of failure.

How to use backup in a sentence

28) Advantages of E2EE: End-to-end encryption is implemented in a few services already, like online backup services.

29) CloudStore is Signetique's remote backup solution for businesses requiring an online backup service for their desktops, laptops and servers.

30) With a Dial backup service, the backup circuit inherits the protocols of the primary circuit when the primary goes down.

31) The court points out it's ridiculous to think that DMCA safe harbors were only meant to apply to backup services.

32) COMPUTER backup service NOW AVAILABLE: Imagine the inconvenience that you would experience if you lost all of your computer files.

33) Additional hardware and software has been obtained recently so that additional staff can use DTP facilities, and to provide backup services.

34) The most critical consideration then becomes securing the new data pipelines: from new VPNs to the connection from offsite backup services.

35) They have no plans to start up the line again, but do offer a full spares and backup service for existing Coupes - whatever the manufacturer's designation.

36) Email backup service Dropmyemail has taken on the challenge of helping better manage attachments within inboxes through the introduction of a Dropbox-style file management system.

37) Ultimately the backup service must itself use one of the above methods so this could be seen as a more complex way of doing traditional backups.

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