
corporate avoidance in a sentence

1) Even increased transparency does not change the effectiveness of corporate tax avoidance.

2) corporate avoidance is software designed to help you avoid the hassle and free yourself from work without rousing the corporate beast.

avoidance collocations
3) In the first years of the Labour government, Gordon Brown promised a large-scale crackdown on corporate tax avoidance – which was reversed in 1999.

4) At least the prime minister, campaigning against corporate tax avoidance, now knows what he is up against when he raises his plan at the G8.

corporate avoidance example sentences

5) Britain, France and Germany are spearheading a campaign at the G20 summit in Russia for an international clampdown on corporate tax avoidance.

6) The documentary presents views and insights on an array of complex and interwoven subjects such as unemployment, poverty, racism and even corporate tax avoidance.

7) Comprehensive approach One key step being pushed by governments and civil society today to cut down on corporate tax avoidance entails the automatic exchange of tax information between governments.

8) " The arrows at the IRS come amid rising populist frustration over billions of dollars of corporate tax avoidance and a crackdown on offshore tax evasion through Swiss and other foreign banks.

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