
award contract in a sentence

1) GSA awards contracts to multiple companies supplying comparable services and products.

2) In 1925 the postal service began awarding contracts to private companies.

award collocations
3) CalPERS uses several "competitive bidding processes" to award contracts.

4) Q. Statutory requirements and precautions in awarding contract for safeguarding managements interests.

award contract example sentences

5) In May 2012, the City awarded contracts to proceed with development.

6) Northrop and Lockheed were awarded contracts in the first round of testing.

7) On 10 October 2012, Kingdom Holding awarded contracts totaling $98 million.

8) If you are in opposition, you are not awarded contracts by states.

9) The aggregate not-to-exceed amount for these multiple award contracts combined is $60,000,000.

10) Highways and Transportation Minister Judy Bradley awarded contracts for work in 1999.

11) awarding contracts to only foreign firms will not help in capacity- building .

12) All they want now is to award contracts for printings and all .

13) General Dynamics has been awarded contracts by the U.S. Army to supply this variant.

14) Contractors are understandably quite upset when an awarded contract is cancelled before contract performance can begin.

example sentences with award

15) Robeson was also charged with awarding contracts to ship builder John Roach without public bidding.

16) A city official is charged with corruption for awarding contracts to his wife's consulting firm.

17) It helps to cash flow payroll, taxes, and materials when fulfilling an awarded contract.

18) These three contractors may compete for task orders under the terms and conditions of the awarded contract .

19) ASPR awarded contracts to five U.S. companies that will make up the network's clinical studies.

20) Kelsay was also accused of awarding contracts without the consent of RTD's board of directors.

21) A journalistic investigation uncovered several charter schools awarding contracts or a teaching position to relatives of school leaders.

22) The United States Undersea Cable Corporation were awarded contracts to lay underwater cable in the Pacific.

23) There is talk of close scrutiny of all awarded contracts, and tendering rules are currently being updated.

24) On 14 February 2008, he and the club captain Raúl González were awarded contracts for life.

25) The principal problem is that contracting officials often allocate more time to awarding contracts rather than administering existing contracts.

26) Maynilad incurred high costs, in part because it awarded contracts to affiliates of Suez without competitive bidding.

27) The Navy then awarded contracts of $350,000 to three major contractors to solicit designs for the bridge.

How to use award in a sentence

28) Non-union contractors have been awarded contracts on public sector PLA projects, for example the Boston Harbor project.

29) We will have the franchisor, who will be responsible for awarding contracts and for contract administration.

30) Daily Photo Galleries Derry Area school directors awarded contracts for two construction projects during a meeting on Thursday.

31) In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, we have made available a list of awarded contracts.

32) Colonial Energy Inc., Fairfax, Va., was awarded contract SPE600-13-D-7529.

33) Aside from that, Penang has also won accolades from Transparency International for implementing open tenders in awarding contracts.

34) NBN Co negotiated directly with a small pool of network construction companies and awarded contracts based upon the closed negotiations .

35) SB 251 supplements Utah's existing requirement that employers participate in E-Verify before being awarded contracts with the state government.

36) He named the SuperSonics after Boeing's recently awarded contract for the SST project, which was later canceled.

37) Eurostar International has awarded contracts for onboard information systems and WiFi services to France Telecom and Nomad Digital, respectively.

38) The problem revolves around the city awarding contracts to developers that lacked the capacity and financial resources to administer the program.

39) Although the CPA awarded contracts for essential reconstruction to American firms, some critics claim those firms did relatively little work.

40) Nonprofit board members are found to be awarding contracts to their own firms, or those of friends or family members.

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