
avoid a confrontation in a sentence

1) Constance wanted to avoid a confrontation with her.

2) They back down and leave, trying to avoid a confrontation.

avoid collocations
3) Good place to hide and maybe even avoid a confrontation all together.

4) Jackson wanted to avoid a confrontation with Georgia over states' rights.

avoid a confrontation example sentences

5) Hardin quickly left Kansas never to return, thereby avoiding a confrontation with Hickok.

6) as a clever diplomat, Albert of Habsburg avoided a confrontation with the new king.

7) Police say they'll be patrolling Barton tonight but they're anxious to avoid a confrontation.

8) The city authorities, for their part, were going out of their way to avoid a confrontation.

9) Regarding Macedonia, Phocion's moderate stand was to avoid a confrontation which might be catastrophic for Athens.

10) Some claimed that the firing came from his own bodyguards in order to keep the peace and avoid a confrontation with opponents.

11) King disappointed many of his younger followers when he decided to turn back in order to avoid a confrontation with the troopers.

12) To avoid a confrontation with Pete Townshend and Kit Lambert, the Who's manager, Moon wished to do so incognito.

13) The failed investigations of the 1980 October Surprise case, the Iran-Contra Affair and Iraq-gate seemed part and parcel with avoiding a confrontation with Nixon over the Vietnam peace talks in 1968.

14) In making his case for the amendment to wary Republican legislators, Taft stressed the importance of avoiding a confrontation with the Supreme Court.

example sentences with avoid

15) At this juncture it seems unlikely that Iran can allay the current high level of distrust and avoid a confrontation simply by agreeing to the strengthened IAEa protocols.

16) Even if Israel makes a determined effort to avoid a confrontation on the high seas, the Israeli patrols could still trigger a crisis.

17) Upon arriving at the Violet Citadel, he was intercepted by Jaina, who was desperate to avoid a confrontation with Varian, who was already within.

18) He despatched General Lake to oversee the defences at Castlebar, where Humbert appeared to be heading, with orders to avoid a confrontation until he had sufficient strength.

19) In order to avoid a confrontation over the naval budget, the Dutch Government postponed parliamentary discussions of the Royal Commission's recommendations during 1913 and early 1914.

20) Hervé IV left the place, HQ of the counts of Léon, to avoid a confrontation and in return for 100 livres of rent.

21) Sharon maintained that on June 6 he had ordered the IDF not to cross the Awali River and to avoid a confrontation with the Syrians.

22) Leader of the Athenian "peace party," was Phocion, who wished to avoid a confrontation that, Phocion felt, would be catastrophic for Athens.

23) Barre Hiraale had been careful to avoid a confrontation with the ICU due to the fact that his chief opponent in the Juba Valley Alliance leadership, Mohamed Roble Jim'ale Gobale was pro-ICU.

24) He missed two Lancashire matches in which Phillips was an umpire, wishing to avoid a confrontation, but Lancashire were criticised by the public for omitting Mold from these matches.

25) Although others in the room knew that Haig's statement was constitutionally incorrect, they did not object at the time to avoid a confrontation.

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