
allosaurus in a sentence

1) The name "" allosaurus "" means "different lizard".

2) The name " allosaurus " means "different lizard".

3) This was significantly fewer than was found in " allosaurus ".

allosaurus example sentences

4) The plaza is the home territory of an allosaurus .

5) It is unclear how many species of " allosaurus " there were.

6) When the tribe women are fishing, an " allosaurus " attacks.

7) This is more similar to carcharodontosaurids than to " allosaurus ".

8) Paleontologists accept " allosaurus " as an active predator of large animals.

9) Some plant-eaters were as much as 40 times the weight of allosaurus .

10) Allosaurus was a large bipedal predator .

11) One skeleton of an " allosaurus " scavenging from an Apatosaurus corpse.

12) They include the well known " allosaurus " and "Sinraptor" among others.

13) The researchers found tendon avulsions only among "Tyrannosaurus" and " allosaurus ".

14) The program also depicts it competing with the European representative of " allosaurus ".

15) He found a fragmentary " allosaurus ", sauropods, and "Stegosaurus".

example sentences with allosaurus

16) This bone resembles the ankle bone of an allosaurus , but is lighter and smaller.

17) After helping open the way through, Dylan is attacked by an " allosaurus ".

18) It is possible that their design is based on that of allosaurus or Giganotosaurus.

19) OA has been reported in fossils of the large carnivorous dinosaur " allosaurus fragilis".

20) The " allosaurus fragilis" specimen MOR 693 exhibits at least 14 separate bone pathologies.

21) Othniel Charles Marsh gave these remains the formal name " allosaurus fragilis" in 1877.

22) Similar conclusions were drawn by another study using finite element analysis on an " allosaurus " skull.

23) Dylan is swept away by the current, watching as David is eaten by the allosaurus .

24) Larger ones like Torvosaurus, allosaurus and Saurophaganax arrived in the late Jurassic Period.

25) The skull and teeth of " allosaurus " were modestly proportioned for a theropod of its size.

26) Further research has found medullary bone in the theropod " allosaurus " and ornithopod "Tenontosaurus".

27) Specimens, discussion, and references pertaining to " allosaurus fragilis" at The Theropod Database.

28) Siats meekerorum in its marshy ... My allosaurus Tribute this is a tribute to allosaurus .

How to use allosaurus in a sentence

29) Siats meekerorum in its marshy ... My allosaurus Tribute this is a tribute to allosaurus .

30) They made several important finds like the new species " allosaurus fragilis" and "Diplodocus longus".

31) AMNH 5780 has many features in common with " allosaurus " and is probably referable to that genus.

32) Recent reviews have kept the genus "Saurophaganax" and included "Epanterias" with " allosaurus ".

33) Utah State Fossil, " allosaurus ", from Pioneer: Utah's Online Library.

34) Further research has found medullary bone in the carnosaur " allosaurus " and the ornithopod "Tenontosaurus".

35) He also pretended to be an " allosaurus " fighting a straggler in an "Apatosaurus" herd.

36) Several gigantic specimens have been attributed to " allosaurus ", but may in fact belong to other genera.

37) Consequently the synonymization of "L. trihedrodon" with " allosaurus " is tentative, despite its high likelihood.

38) Unlike " allosaurus ", there was no prominent crest on the lacrimal bone in front of the eye.

39) It lived alongside European species of" allosaurus " ("A. europaeus") and "Ceratosaurus".

40) Allosaurus was assumed from its long hind legs to be a kangaroo-type reptile that actually bounced on its prey.

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