Fill in the blanks with subject pronouns "am, is, are"
1- I very tired
2- She a tennis player
3- Where your mother?
4- you married?
5- We not hungry.
6- These books heavy.
7- How old your sisters?
8 -My brother and sister at school.
9 -Ann not at work.
10 -Where you from?
11-Tim a taxi driver.
12-My mother a nurse.
13-How much these postcards?
14- Cathrine at home?
15-Their names Lisa and Sam.

in a sentence

To be (am -is -are) Exercises

This website has been written for teaching English Grammar and Vocabulary through interactive lessons and example sentences for showing and teaching how to use these grammar points and words in a sentence with the meaning in the authentic examples. You can practice English while learning English.

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in a sentence