
sway back and forth in a sentence

1) The heavy engine sways back and forth as gravity takes hold .

2) The fight swayed back and forth.

back collocations
3) Mr. Habibullah's limp body swayed back and forth in the chains.

4) They swayed back and forth through a chorus and part of a verse.

sway back and forth example sentences

5) They clutched each other and swayed back and forth, breathless with laughter.

6) Insufficient tongue weight can cause the trailer to sway back and forth when towed.

7) It appears to be moving very fast with its limbs swaying back and forth.

8) The skin beneath his chin hung in thick folds that swayed back and forth as he walked.

9) His arms are moving and he tends to sway back and forth as he awaits the pitch .

10) Waddles the Duck sways back and forth when pulled, tossing his head to and fro.

11) When resting on one leg, flamingos can be seen swaying back and forth in the wind.

12) Most commonly, bait combines with a dodger, a chromed metal strip that sways back and forth.

13) Her soft linen dress was draped around her body as the edge of her skirt swayed back and forth.

14) Hereby, it is easier to see how the shelter sways back and forth during the initial loading.

example sentences with back

15) The king cobra swayed back and forth, tasted the air, and then lowered his head under hers.

16) The sociological debate about the relationship of the nuclear to the extended family has also swayed back and forth.

17) He agrees, and the camera stays outside, swaying back and forth a bit, while moaning sounds are heard.

18) Elephants have been recorded displaying stereotypical behaviours in the form of swaying back and forth, trunk swaying or route tracing.

19) The movement of a saw may cause a body to sway back and forth making the process difficult for the executioners.

20) He then applauded the group when no one else was doing so, and swayed back and forth during the concert.

21) What I saw was black clouds rolling in, and the tree tops were swaying back and forth in the gusty wind.

22) We stood clasping hands, singing and swaying back and forth to the music, one living, breathing, hopeful mass.

23) This involves lots of swaying back and forth with your arms extended, with an occasional crouch or leap in the air.

24) Instead, I wondered after watching those kids sway back and forth, like Stevie Wonder, if they were all autistic?

25) When Sherman found this issue on the shelf, he tapped the pictures of Koko with his hair standing on end (pilo-erection) and swaying back and forth bipedally.

26) Tunes drift and sway back and forth into and out of each other so much that you never really know where you're up to, or, for that matter, what Sinkcharmer is up to.

27) That would be no mean feat, given that the Marriott was a couple of miles away, and Anvar was swaying back and forth without even being in the saddle.

28) My abiding recollection of my father is every morning saying his prayers." In the early hours David would watch his father davening, or praying while swaying back and forth.

29) I was mesmerized as he swayed back and forth with arms extended, reaching for different keyboards, stops and pages of music while his feet danced over octaves of pedals.

30) The tang is exhibiting normal feeding, but today it seems like he prefers the bottom left front corner of the tank, swaying back and forth in a horizontal motion.

31) It was filled with rows and rows of towering bookcases that seemed to sway back and forth as they disappeared into the darkness at the top of the room.

32) He appeared to be digging at the bottom of his cage this morning, and it looked like he was posturing to his reflection (put out his front legs, puffed out his neck, and swayed back and forth).

33) A typical building of 10 storeys will sway back and forth in a period of 1 second, giving it a natural frequency of 1 cycle per second or 1 hertz.

34) Each jelly will sway back and forth in a characteristic time, or period, that depends predominantly on its height and consistency.

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