
back part in a sentence

1) Some Long Island conservatives backed parts of the plan.

2) He is asleep in the back part of his house.

back collocations
3) Brian : What's that big back part?

4) Keep on making the same processes to complete the back part.

back part example sentences

5) They attach to the back part of your hip.

6) Obama gives back part of Alaska to Russia.

7) Just nice to be back part of the team, playing hockey.

8) She hit her head on the top back part of the head.

9) The back part of each bone is hollow and surrounds and protects your spinal cord.

10) For example, the back part of the third lower molar is relatively well-developed.

11) Alice (my mom) was working in the back part of the building.

12) Ella goes to the back part of the house and Emma goes the refrigerator.

13) He got back part of his family's former estate and bought back the rest.

14) So it's back parts.

example sentences with back

15) These solar kiosks provide some extra income to earn back part of the solar PV installation.

16) Keep your body weight applied to the back part of the inside rail throughout the turn.

17) The systems use electric engine and a pushing propeller on the back part of the aircraft.

18) They also have spines coming out of the back part of their hooves and hands.

19) The width controls the volume in the back part of the board and hence its sailing characteristics.

20) In this medium-sized jumping spider, the front part is orange-brown and the back part is brownish.

21) It sticks out just past and along the edge of the back part of the gill plate.

22) The firm cannot force the price up by holding back part or all of its supply.

23) Only the back part facing Lexington Avenue between 68th and 69th street remain from the original building.

24) Operation Bite back part II was from '95 and is still active while primarily focusing on fur farms.

25) His foot caught a stage light and he fell on his back crushing the back part of his head.

26) Rub the back part of the lemon or orange peel against your teeth's surface to make them sparkle.

27) Mr Thomas Russell was asked to board up the back part of he building to keep out the rain.

How to use back in a sentence

28) Now Mmembe is busy making money to pay back part of share of the loan and free himself from bondage.

29) In 1955, the back part of the clubhouse, which was over 100 years old was demonished and rebuilt.

30) Do you remember what happened to Ananias and Sapphira when they held back part of the possessions and lied?

31) Normally the word "Achoraim" (back part) means the part used either for reception or for bestowal.

32) Walker won the office on a platform of fiscal conservatism, promising to give back part of his own salary.

33) The "splat" shot is an elongated pinch that strikes the side wall towards the back part of the court.

34) The pieces - a snout and back part of the skull - were found by different private collectors three months apart.

35) Later this intention was lost, as extensions were added to the back part of the building to provide more offices.

36) The fences were doubled in the back part of the parcels, forming a passageway in which the exterior guards circulated.

37) It is made in the form of a frame, with the back part of the frame fitting under the bench.

38) I remember being in the back part of the studio, and we were sitting there late at night and writing.

39) It was high up in a tree, its back part and hind legs caught in a fork of two branches.

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