
axial in a sentence

1) The reactor has an axial flow design.

2) An axial accuracy of approximately 5 nm has been reported.

axial collocations
3) They are typically quieter than comparable axial fans.

4) An "axial" ball bearing uses side-by-side races.

axial example sentences

5) Could you assemble 14 such pieces in axial symmetry?

6) Now suppose that the axial tilt decreases.

7) An axial and symmetrical geometry rules the temple layout.

8) The term axial pitch is preferred to the term linear pitch.

9) A volume is built by stacking the axial slices.

10) This gives an axial tilt of 29°.

11) Two axial piston pumps create an operating pressure of 315 bar.

12) The data were analyzed using qualitative methods specifically open and axial coding.

13) Producing surfaces using both radial and axial feeds is called profiling.

14) Standard radial cartridge bearings are highly sensitive to axial preloading .

example sentences with axial

15) The buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial compression.

16) The mirror seems to be operating with axial symmetry.

17) This is called as head on overlap or axial overlap.

18) The rotation vector is an example of an axial vector.

19) Keep practising until you can perform smooth, axial rolls.

20) But Saturn has an axial tilt of nearly 27°.

21) The main axial modes are 260, 280 and 540 Hz.

22) They are capable of quite high axial loads and cut very fast.

23) An acute axial random skin flap model was utilized in the rat.

24) Pluto has retrograde rotation; its axial tilt is approximately 120 degrees.

25) Whereas primal consciousness was tribal, axial consciousness was individual.

26) axial compression might crush a short, weak beam.

27) An opposing asymmetry in normal mouse endoderm may help drive axial rotation.

How to use axial in a sentence

28) In the axial direction, the reactor is reflected by water.

29) Each rotor can be placed on the same axial.

30) These slices fall in the axial plane of the body.

31) CAT scans, also known as computed axial tomography scans,.

32) A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.

33) It was connected to two axial conduits.

34) The compartments are cascaded by a resistance, called axial resistance.

35) These spasms primarily occur in the proximal limb and axial muscles.

36) An axial compressor is a machine that can continuously pressurise gases.

37) Normal stress occurs in many other situations besides axial tension and compression.

38) As example, a wheelbarrow wheel supports radial and axial loads.

39) Electric superchargers are all essentially fans (axial pumps).

40) This is therefore referred to as x-y-z axial geometry.

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