
awkward transition in a sentence

1) Don't glare at me like that ... all students go through this awkward transition phase.

2) With no rounded sides to work with, interior cabinetry and decorations install easily and without awkward transitions.

awkward collocations
3) My 2009 stress-testing miss and the awkward transition that resulted certainly injured my reputation during this uncompleted half-cycle.

4) Its always an awkward transition when a movie goes from fart jokes to re-examining some of the characters values.

awkward transition example sentences

5) This is the kind of awkward transition and pacing problem that you can expect for most of the film.

6) The team's approach eliminated the time consuming and awkward transition from the wheelchair to the car required by current systems.

7) And while I wholly admit the splitting of the film makes a lot of sense as far as tone and approach, it does make for an awkward transition were it to be put together.

8) Any untoward or awkward transition is immediately noticeable because it destroys the calm dignity that the human body needs if it is to be shown at its best.

9) The often awkward transition from playing covers to playing original material went without a hitch, and before long REM were providing backing on their first album.

10) Then, minutes later, "Abraham Lincoln has less than 11 days to live," and so on, before making the awkward transition to "John Wilkes Booth has 12 days to live.

11) "It would be an awkward transition."

12) "The Roman Canon is not in its primitive form" but has many "awkward transitions" that show that it is "evidently an abbreviated and transposed version of a more ancient eucharistic prayer".

13) " We began an awkward transition; my son clearly wanted us to leave so he could start the activities JMU had planned for him.

14) " The songs were not always as tight as might be expected from a combo like this, with a few flubbed starts, missed cues and awkward transitions.

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