
avoid trouble in a sentence

1) The topic is about avoiding trouble and preventing problems.

2) To avoid trouble she dropped the case.

avoid collocations
3) Steering to avoid trouble will be easier.

4) Lots of movement, darting around to avoid trouble.

avoid trouble example sentences

5) Seeking legal counsel from the get-go can avoid trouble later on.

6) Most likely he will produces a bill of sales to avoid trouble.

7) At the Center, kids can grow, learn and avoid trouble.

8) Other people with suspected pro-southern ties displayed American flags to avoid trouble.

9) Their dull coats make them inconspicuous and they survive by avoiding trouble.

10) Tucker resigned, effective March 1804 to avoid troubles for his current students.

11) Still, you'd have to be paying attention to avoid trouble.

12) Isn't that what old married people do, to avoid trouble?

13) Yesterday, the Oxford Hotel closed it's doors to avoid trouble.

14) One inspector admitted he suggested that businesses change their music selection to avoid trouble.

example sentences with avoid

15) The following episode saw Robert leave the serial to avoid trouble with the police.

16) Had he not worked hard, avoided trouble, striven to become new?

17) The highest rated answer explains that basically, the practice was used to avoid trouble.

18) The news spread quickly and it resulted in several bars closing early to avoid trouble.

19) He is overweight, preferring to avoid trouble and exertion, and rather unimaginative.

20) avoiding trouble in self-defence terms does not mean lying low and limiting your lifestyle.

21) Weasel teaches intelligence and the power of observation along with discretion to avoid trouble.

22) He helps friends avoid trouble from prostitutes who try to fraudulently take their money.

23) People lie to avoid trouble.

24) We provide train ticket booking services so that you can save time and avoid troubles.

25) But like Harvick's bunch, he has to avoid trouble and establish momentum.

26) If you can't avoid trouble, then throw valour to the winds and run.

27) To avoid trouble, the RUC halted the civil rights march, sparking outrage from activists.

How to use avoid in a sentence

28) They favor separation in the Army to avoid trouble or unpleasantness arising from race Prejudice.

29) I decided it was best to avoid trouble, rather than face it when it comes.

30) We stayed out wide to avoid trouble but also because I thought the ground was better.

31) Not having children is also a good way to avoid trouble with the child protection bureaucrats .

32) Still, Yang Jian heard rumors and tried to hide his own talent to avoid trouble.

33) What they'll be doing, if they want to avoid trouble, is writing citations.

34) Tiger has missed a couple good birdie opportunities, but he's avoided trouble so far today.

35) Summary: you should not run your ASM mirrored disk group at full capacity to avoid trouble.

36) Hergé chose the subject to be as fantastic as possible, to avoid trouble from the censors.

37) A word of warning though: taking steps to avoid trouble does help but it can't guarantee safety.

38) How to avoid troubles?

39) The basic rules of self-defence are quite simple: keep your eyes open and you can usually avoid trouble.

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