
assiduously avoid in a sentence

1) It is a term that is assiduously avoided by Buteyko therapists.

2) Breazeal assiduously avoids calling her robots by gendered pronouns.

avoid collocations
3) I have assiduously avoided situations that might lead to violent encounters with men.

4) From this day onward I will assiduously avoid all Roderer wines.

assiduously avoid example sentences

5) This bodes poorly for sponsorship revenue: advertisers assiduously avoid being associated with negative news.

6) It's a glorious time to be alive, particularly if you assiduously avoid movie theaters.

7) False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory.

8) These lunches, a dutiful ritual, were overseen by an outsize photograph of Montaine, whose name was assiduously avoided.

9) He assiduously avoided her glance all through dinner, and as soon as the coffee was served he got to his feet.

10) It's something that the facility has assiduously avoided since its inception in 1962, and most of the faculty is fighting to keep it that way.

11) Since then, I have assiduously avoided sleeping in tents or slogging through arduous portages, and contented myself with accepting the invitations of gracious friends to visit their cottages.

12) You can't assign one definitive meaning to such ambiguous phrases without choosing winners and losers in a way that the Framers assiduously avoided.

13) More to the point, I hate crowds, and shopping crowds are to be assiduously avoided, like poison clouds, or eggplant.

14) Douglas, while assiduously avoiding specific comment on the Albertan proposals, submitted them to his Social Credit Secretariat for review; it found them to be "fallacious from start to finish.

example sentences with avoid

15) It is also worth stressing that ISTDP, unlike traditional psychodynamic therapies, assiduously avoids interpretation until such time as the unconscious is open.

16) My point, assiduously avoided in the responses, was that the beatles were an affirmative action (for white people) music group.

17) " These are things, among many others, that were secured by working quietly in the background while assiduously avoiding any consideration of resort to litigation.

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