
Aylesbury in a sentence

1) A guard was also mounted outside Aylesbury police station.

2) Aylesbury is well connected to local destinations by bus services.

3) Aylesbury's town mayor has joined the chorus of disapproval.

4) The precise origin of the Aylesbury duck is unclear.

Aylesbury example sentences

5) Aylesbury was appointed as the place of concentration.

6) This is exactly what happened in Aylesbury.

7) The road goes straight through Aylesbury, which is a bottleneck.

8) It is located 5 mi to the south of Aylesbury.

9) The council represents only the constituents of Aylesbury town itself.

10) There's disagreement too over road planning for Aylesbury.

11) He influenced many new buildings in Aylesbury and around the county.

12) This bridge forms a central part of the Aylesbury Hub project.

13) An incident room's been set up by police in Aylesbury.

14) He was sent to Aylesbury Prison for a life sentence.

example sentences with Aylesbury

15) In 1888 work began on the extension to Aylesbury.

16) Chieveley and Aylesbury are no longer roads policing bases.

17) Bourbon Street in Aylesbury is named after the king.

18) The 1881 census shows that he was born around 1853 in Aylesbury.

19) For a full list see People from Aylesbury.

20) He couldn't be found in Aylesbury.

21) He was elected to Parliament as member for Aylesbury in 1880.

22) Beardsley once scored four goals for England against Aylesbury United.

23) The GCR was dismantled north of Aylesbury in 1966.

24) It is located 11 miles south-east of the county town of Aylesbury.

25) It enters Buckinghamshire and the district of Aylesbury Vale.

26) But that's exactly what an Aylesbury based record company is doing.

27) A notable institution is Aylesbury Grammar School which was founded in 1598.

How to use Aylesbury in a sentence

28) Hartwell House in Aylesbury is a treasure house of fine antiques.

29) He will be based in Aylesbury, Bucks.

30) Money well spent according to Aylesbury Vale District Council.

31) This canal has branches to Wendover and Aylesbury.

32) In 1764 Euclid Neale opened his clockmaking workshop in Aylesbury.

33) The Duck End was one of the poorer districts of Aylesbury.

34) Champagne to Ben Higgs, of Aylesbury.

35) The band Marillion have a close association with Aylesbury.

36) But the Aylesbury Vale Health Authority is pioneering a new approach.

37) Ceely House is one of Aylesbury's larger houses.

38) Many are transferred to Aylesbury when other establishments can't handle them.

39) In 1626 nine men were summoned to Aylesbury to resolve disafforestation issues.

40) In the evenings there are direct services to Aylesbury via High Wycombe.

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