
Expressions - Collocations of the word " amnesia "

" amnesia "Collocations - Expressions
amnesia1) The amnesia opening is not inherently weak.
2) Many forms of amnesia fix themselves without being treated.
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amnesiac1) amnesiacs are frequently portrayed in television and movies.
2) The girl is killed and Ursula becomes amnesiac .
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anterograde amnesia1) The former has been called retrograde amnesia, the latter anterograde amnesia .
2) This may appear as lack of concentration, confusion and anterograde amnesia .
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cause amnesia1) Benzodiazepines may also cause amnesia and impair memory.
2) Something had happened with Lokesh to cause Ren's amnesia .
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childhood amnesia1) Psychologists differ in defining the offset of childhood amnesia .
2) Such forgetting is due to the phenomenon of infantile or childhood amnesia .
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collective amnesia1) collective amnesia is far more prevalent in this culture than we would pretend.
2) So is it possible that the Home Office is suffering from collective amnesia ?
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develop amnesia1) In 2002, Susan developed retrograde amnesia .
2) Most people experiencing trauma do not develop amnesia for the trauma.
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experience amnesia1) Research into the memories of animals such as mice and rats suggests that they experience infantile amnesia .
2) The Eighth Doctor experienced amnesia due to the anaesthetics affecting his physiology (1996 Doctor Who television movie).
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get amnesia1) Our elected officials got amnesia and started buckling at the knees.
2) The herb sage is also effective in reducing the chances of getting amnesia .
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global amnesia1) A case of recurrent transient global amnesia has also been reported.
2) Levitra added transient global amnesia to its label earlier this year .
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have amnesia1) They are hoping we will have convenient amnesia .
2) Nina has amnesia due to the psychological trauma of the attack.
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historical amnesia1) The historical amnesia is truly astounding.
2) How, I wondered, could such historical amnesia afflict so many?
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induce amnesia1) Flunitrazepam is also known to induce anterograde amnesia making police interrogations more difficult.
2) Btw, benzos have one more hideous side effect which is inducing anterograde amnesia .
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produce amnesia1) Each anesthetic produces amnesia through unique effects on memory formation at variable doses.
2) Parietal cortex lesions are also known to produce temporally ungraded retrograde amnesia .
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psychogenic amnesia1) psychogenic amnesia is not part of Freud's theoretical framework.
2) This idea can also be known as motivated forgetting or psychogenic amnesia .
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retrograde amnesia1) A man who suffers from retrograde amnesia .
2) He maintains his identity and shows very little retrograde amnesia .
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selective amnesia1) She seems to have selective amnesia as to what was actually said.
2) It is just pure mischief and what I call selective amnesia on his part .
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source amnesia1) Elderly individuals have been shown to exhibit source amnesia .
2) In the mid-1960s, Evan and Thorn produced studies on source amnesia .
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suffer amnesia1) Victor had been suffering amnesia and was involved in an explosion.
2) After receiving a head wound, Eddie suffers amnesia .
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transient amnesia1) A case of recurrent transient global amnesia has also been reported.
2) A history of recurrent witnessed episodes of transient amnesia .
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Expressions with the word amnesia

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