
bacterial flora in a sentence

1) bacterial flora of wild and captive porpoises.

2) Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial flora associated with bovine products in South Africa.

bacterial collocations
3) Dietary Galactose is also important in maintaining normal bacterial flora in the intestines.

4) The bacterial flora provide regulatory signals that enable the development and utility of the gut.

bacterial flora example sentences

5) The bacterial flora of the small intestine aid in a wide range of intestinal functions.

6) Nonetheless, the upper and lower respiratory tract appears to have a normal bacterial flora .

7) It also quickly develops a bacterial flora often comprising substantial growths of "Sphaerotilus".

8) Lactic acid bacteria are predominately found during child-bearing years, otherwise the bacterial flora is mixed.

9) A "distracted" immune system will also fail to deal with changes in the bacterial flora .

10) How can acids be applied so as to control the bacterial flora of the large intestine?

11) Probiotics are bacterial preparations that alter the bacterial flora in the bowel to cause a beneficial effect.

12) Inulin passes through the stomach and duodenum undigested and is highly available to the gut bacterial flora .

13) Alcohol kills both pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms as well as resident bacterial flora, which generally do not cause illness.

14) The association of these organisms is related to the origin of the initial infection and the endogenous bacterial flora at that site.

example sentences with bacterial

15) The bacterial flora of the hands are similar to other skin sites but hands are of special significance in the transmission of infectious agents and the most important site of contamination.

16) Conclusions regarding the source of the infection could not be established without knowledge of the normal bacterial flora of the wild animal and of the sea water.

17) Study author Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic explains how diet changes the gut's bacterial flora, and how that can affect heart health.

18) Patients are typically provided with prescriptions for antibiotics that cover sinus bacterial flora, decongestants, and careful instructions to follow during the healing period.

19) It involves infusion of bacterial flora acquired from the feces of a healthy donor to reverse the bacterial imbalance responsible for the recurring nature of the infection.

20) Other broad-spectrum antibiotics can reduce the amount of the normal bacterial flora in the bowel, which make significant quantities of vitamin K1, thus potentiating the effect of warfarin.

21) The bacterial flora of the human gut encompasses a wide variety of microorganisms that aid in digestion, the synthesis of vitamins, and creating enzymes not produced by the human body.

22) bacterial life is sometimes included in flora, and some classifications use the term "bacterial flora " separately from "plant flora".

23) Bach also found that certain homoeopathic remedies could change the bacterial flora of patients although no conventional drugs or dietary regimes had produced any significant change.

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