
back the wrong horse in a sentence

1) They keep backing the wrong horse, time u0026 time again.

2) Yes BBB you back the wrong horse again.

back collocations
3) Canonical has a special talent for either backing the wrong horse, or breeding it.

4) Or maybe I'm just human and don't want to back the wrong horse.

back the wrong horse example sentences

5) the Soviet Union, for instance, sometimes backed the wrong horse (such as Nkomo rather than Mugabe in Zimbabwe).

6) And as said those players whose careers are short but wanting trophies probably feel they backed the wrong horse by contracting themselves to us.

7) What they do is appealing and I've invested with them." It wouldn't be the first time that Michael has backed the wrong horse.

8) the council had wound down its holdings from £5bn to £2bn but its advisers had backed the wrong horse by predicting low interest rates.

9) Arsenal and Manchester City are the big horses and Chelsea the little horse, but with Manchester United now limping along in seventh position, have they backed the wrong horse in David Moyes?

10) After returning from the Congress, Salisbury confessed that – in supporting Austria-Hungary instead of Russia – the British had "backed the wrong horse.

11) Mr Yanagitani had a wide following among ambitious younger employees, who fear they have ruined their prospects by backing the wrong horse.

12) Maybe, he added, "we got into it the wrong way, maybe we backed the wrong horse, but you have to be in that race, or else human life isn't worth living".

13) But then Emilio Bonifacio made two errors, promoting me to say, on Twitter, that I was backing the wrong horse.

14) Politicians and commentators pounded Bibi, as he's known here, for wading into U.S. politics and damaging the strong relationship between the two countries by backing the wrong horse.

example sentences with back

15) 'We backed the wrong horse,' said CND's General Secretary Kate Hudson, in a dramatic U-turn from the organisation's founding objectives.

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