
seem alright in a sentence

1) The result was a bit flat and glossy, but seemed alright .

alright collocations
2) If they seem alright , you're the one!

3) Price of electrodes seems alright , however, plate prices are very high.

seem alright example sentences

4) She seemed alright when she left.

5) He seemed alright didn't he?

6) And Taylor's performance seemed alright .

7) Price of electrodes is, seems alright , however plate prices are very high.

8) Sometimes he seems alright , sometimes I think we'd get on.

9) My angelfish (Bicolor Angelfish) Seemed alright .

10) But did Steve seem alright ?

11) She seems alright I think.

12) I had checked the temporary spare for air pressure before I left Houston , seemed alright .

13) I have put 4 of them in our kitchen and they seem alright to me.

14) I spoke to her on Wednesday, she seemed alright , never mentioned she were poorly.

15) He seemed alright at the moment, though, and his stroking was even and relaxed.

example sentences with seem alright

16) Just when everything seems alright , Jai finds that he has lost all his property and wealth.

17) My local cable company convinced me to pay $10 a month for local channels - it seemed alright .

18) Seems alright , yes.

19) The burgers seemed alright though they were nothing special and overpriced in comparison to other burger places in the area .

20) Well, no, there wouldn't but what's so odd is that the other horse chestnut trees in the area seem alright .

21) You seemed alright , and when I heard that thing threatening Ukyou's life, I knew I had to do something." "No apologize, dummy," Shampoo said.

22) Nick is oblivious to her dissatisfaction, putting most of his energy into the business (though that seems alright by Cora, considering the alternative).

23) Up until Enitan gets pregnant everything seems alright with their relationship even though Niyi acts like a child that Enitan has to take care of instead of a grown man.

24) Which seems alright .

25) It seems alright to me so far ... Re: Soooo, not Walmart plus, they're actually pretty lenient on their return policy, at least in my experience.

26) But I didn't know him very well but er he was, you know, seemed alright like I've got nothing bad to say about him.

27) Seems alright .

28) Yes she wrote to me, I'll tell you what when I get back I'll pop her letter in the post to you she seems alright .

How to use seem alright in a sentence

29) Seemed alright .

30) He seems alright .

31) Everything seems alright , case is written and all, but it will never get control because the value range is too narrow.

32) but er the ol the other guys seem alright .

33) " Yes, it seems alright ," he replied.

34) but he seemed alright at the weekend, he was decorating at the weekend

35) Yes I'll just try these erm solder up this service switch and er everything else seems alright , there's no anywhere, mind you it's nine times out of ten it'll

36) Well I did see him, he seemed alright but you see you can't tell what people are like, yo you may think they have ni

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