
law enforcement authority in a sentence

1) Consequently, law enforcement authorities are concerned.

2) law enforcement authorities does not help much.

authority collocations
3) I really refer you to the law enforcement authorities investigating this.

4) Clashes lead to violence from law enforcement authorities.

law enforcement authority example sentences

5) Crime waves always carry with them calls for more law enforcement authority.

6) In order to cooperate with law enforcement authorities or governmental regulatory bodies.

7) law enforcement authorities have remained silent about any investigation of this.

8) United States Department of Interior park rangers with law enforcement authority.

9) The privately collated data are then turned over to law enforcement authorities.

10) The task faced by law enforcement authorities is formidable, said Milliken.

11) law enforcement authorities were contacted and collected the bloodlines and syringes.

12) Victims must cooperate as fully as possible with the relevant law enforcement authorities.

13) law enforcement authorities continued their important information exchange with counterparts in several European countries.

14) The Defendant is not concerned that law enforcement authorities will find any unauthorized material.

example sentences with authority

15) law enforcement authorities continued gathering evidence against Gotti that helped lead to his downfall.

16) Tribal law enforcement authorities have the power if necessary, to eject them.

17) We hope you find satisfaction in resolving your complaint through the local law enforcement authorities.

18) The FISA protects telecommunications companies complicit in providing user information to federal law enforcement authorities.

19) law enforcement authorities have advised that minors cannot carry or possess a handgun.

20) Another characteristic has resulted in a problem for the state and local law enforcement authorities.

21) Furthermore, DOI has built strong working relationships with federal and local law enforcement authorities.

22) No charges were laid on the vessel or its captain by local law enforcement authorities.

23) There are law enforcement authorities .

24) All drugs will be reported to the Coast Guard or local law enforcement authorities.

25) Comments posted that violate Canadian law will be deleted and disclosed to law enforcement authorities.

26) They have been providing invaluable assistance to local law enforcement authorities in evacuating the floodway.

27) Stingrays are hardly new to law enforcement authorities, and have been used for years.

How to use authority in a sentence

28) Creation and maintenance of a positive relationship between the agency and the local law enforcement authorities.

29) Local law enforcement authorities themselves rushed into action, making about 100 arrests of seasonal agricultural workers.

30) Providing law enforcement authorities, first responders and school officials with proper training for armed attacks situations.

31) But he was discharged last week, apparently after law enforcement authorities learned of his alleged plan.

32) law enforcement authority naturally varies with the nature and size of the crime problems police must combat.

33) Before Hendrix was 19 years old, law enforcement authorities had twice caught him riding in stolen cars.

34) In contrast to active duty military components, the Auxiliary does NOT have any law enforcement authority.

35) Thai law enforcement authorities employ extensive field training and modern equipment to respond to the border trafficking threat.

36) The EU and the US furthermore discuss how to strengthen the operational co-operation between law enforcement authorities.

37) Possible evidence of use of this site for illegal purposes will be provided to law enforcement authorities.

38) law enforcement authorities have to show cause within 48 hours (in a hearing behind closed doors).

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