
brilliant article in a sentence

1) Bloody brilliant article , really top shelf.

article collocations
2) This is another brilliant article written by a brilliant man.

3) This is a brilliant article Pamela, many thanks!

brilliant article example sentences

4) Brilliant article , thank you for sharing your insights.

5) Brilliant article as all Daniel Greenfield published.

6) This is a brilliant article with so much truth to it!

7) This utterly brilliant article leaves me with a strange sense of despair.

8) Thank you for another brilliant article .

9) Brilliant article , so thought provoking.

10) THANK you so much for Tony Parsons' brilliant article .

11) Brilliant article !! This bit - "He was just-a judge.

12) Brilliant article , by the way!

13) Mr President, I hope you take time to read this brilliant article .

14) This is a brilliant article !

15) I 'm regularly distracted by stuff like this in the movies... brilliant article .

example sentences with brilliant article

16) TOP TEN TIPS Craig Findlater writes A brilliant article by Fiona Bruce .

17) Another brilliant article , and although it all makes perfect sense, I have one issue.

18) Garrigou-Lagrange wrote a brilliant article entitled: " Where is the New Theology Leading Us To?

19) Sunday March 24 , 2013, 6:54 pm An outstanding and brilliant article , for sure!

20) Microprocessors with Living Brain Tissue!: This is a brilliant article on computers with living tissues.

21) What a brilliant article !

22) Brilliant , brilliant article .

23) Brilliant article , Rex.

24) Brilliant article , VC.

25) Thanks very much for your brilliant article ;this is the words that keeps me awake through these day.

26) Brilliant article , Harsha.

27) That in my humble opinion is the reason for this brilliant article and it the reason I endorse it.

28) The other half This refers to the brilliant article " How the other half dries" (Feb. 27).

How to use brilliant article in a sentence

29) Brilliant article , especially for those of us who aren't as familiar with the lower division leagues in England.

30) A brilliant article regarding the difference between superconscious energies and The Self - the immovable point of pure consciousness and Will.

31) In a series of brilliant articles in The Encyclopedia of Astrology, Charles Jayne revealed his research on the planetary cycles.

32) Hi Kimberley, this is a brilliant article about Fructose and Glucose and the different ways they work in the body.

33) This is a brilliant article (as usual:-) there are lots of thing I need to pay attention to.

34) The song has themes of duality (see the brilliant article about it here at VC) featured in a movie chock full of occult references and themes.

35) David also referred me to this brilliant article about " games with a purpose " by Luis von Ahn (big name in the field) here .

36) But just before he died he wrote a brilliant article in the Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, and he changed his mind.

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in a sentence