
award nomination in a sentence

1) The show has received multiple award nominations.

2) The game received numerous award nominations and wins.

award collocations
3) It received several awards and award nominations.

4) award nominations cover six categories and nominations are now open.

award nomination example sentences

5) Cooper has received various award nominations for her portrayal.

6) It received two award nominations for directing.

7) Of 119 award nominations, the film won 48 prizes.

8) The Broadway production picked up several major award nominations.

9) The film received twelve Academy award nominations.

10) The production itself later received nine Tony award nominations.

11) The acclaimed show received 10 Tony award nominations .

12) Both Hassan and her character earned several award nominations.

13) The historian should be compiling award nominations all year long.

14) Two others have received Academy award nominations.

example sentences with award

15) The show received four Emmy award nominations in 2008.

16) The show received no Tony award nominations.

17) It has also received three BAFTA award nominations.

18) The film received wide acclaim and four Academy award nominations.

19) It was her fourth Academy award nomination.

20) Both books received Lambda Literary award nominations.

21) The "Physical" era received three Grammy award nominations.

22) The play earned three 58th Drama Desk award nominations.

23) Dennis has garnered various award nominations for his portrayal of Paul.

24) Smith has earned various award nominations for his role as Harold.

25) It earned two Emmy award nominations in 1997.

26) The show also has eight other Gemini award nominations.

27) The release garnered the group their thirteenth Grammy award nomination.

How to use award in a sentence

28) The performance earned him a third Tony award nomination.

29) Williams also earned a Grammy award nomination.

30) The role gained her a second Academy award nomination.

31) Her performance earned her a Satellite award nomination.

32) His music and lyrics earned a Tony award nomination.

33) He has also received two Academy award nominations.

34) The show earned several award nominations, winning one Emmy Award.

35) He received nineteen Academy award nominations, and won four.

36) John Williams earned a Grammy award nomination.

37) She received Drama Desk award nominations for both productions.

38) The duets earned several Grammy award nominations.

39) This role earned him his first Emmy award nomination since 1977.

40) Her performance won her her first Academy award nomination.

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