
automatic assumption in a sentence

1) There is no automatic assumption that retrospective permission will be granted!

2) Most will make an automatic assumption about reductionist theory?

automatic collocations
3) To FYI, you could consider the following u0026 think about your automatic assumptions?

4) There is no automatic assumption of anything in RPES, given the range and scope of ARS research situations.

automatic assumption example sentences

5) The evidence suggests that even in the pre-industrial period there was no automatic assumption of financial responsibility for elderly parents.

6) I also learned that Ms Tunis' deputy holds automatic assumptions about the intelligence of a person known to be autistic.

7) American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr argued that the automatic assumption, that America acts for the good, will bring about moral corruption.

8) In some jurisdictions, refusing to take a breathalizer test is an offense in itself, often creating an automatic assumption of guilt under the law.

9) The automatic assumption is that you're up to no good, and that's the wrong response to what's happening in public schools," he said.

10) Part of the problem all along has been the automatic assumption on the part of many that Rowling has the right to completely control anything written about the Harry Potter world.

11) It can take a long time for a woman to rid herself of the automatic assumptions that she has absorbed about home-making, and learn to fashion an approach which suits her and her family.

12) You Can Scroll Through Previous Trips and Get a Score from automatic Automatic's assumptions for what makes for bad driving are simple as well.

13) But I 'm also troubled by the automatic assumption that there was something wrong about the questions, and that Youn was wrong to ask them.

14) move from habit, the way we always have done, letting our automatic assumptions and emotional reactions (however seemingly justified) rule, or

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