
authority believe in a sentence

1) The authorities believed these developments represented poor entertainment value.

2) authorities believe was in retaliation for recent drug suspect arrests.

authority collocations
3) Indonesian authorities also believe more suspects remain at large.

4) authorities believe at least 25 were full-time residences.

authority believe example sentences

5) Health authorities believed the increase was partly linked to the recession.

6) Thai authorities believe more properties have yet to be accounted .

7) The local authorities believed there had been other unreported attempts.

8) authorities believed he was possibly traveling to the Tampa area .

9) authorities believe the cause of death was electrocution.

10) authorities believe that the incidents are not linked to terrorism.

11) authorities believe his home was the target of a drug robbery .

12) Some authorities believe these anathemas belong to an earlier local synod.

13) Some authorities believed that the Maltese was used as well.

14) However, authorities believe the crimes are not random acts of violence.

example sentences with authority

15) Most authorities believe that the name derives from a former hunting cry.

16) Initially, Dubai authorities believed al-Mabhouh had died of natural causes.

17) Initially, Dubai authorities believed Mabhouh had died of natural causes.

18) With its attractive continental climate, health authorities believed the site had potential.

19) authorities now believe that De Souza killed at least 20 patients .

20) authorities believe two armed carjackers are preying on Americans .

21) authorities had previously believed that Shekau died during the violence in 2009.

22) The authorities believe she has been abducted, but the case is cold.

23) Most authorities believe that we are either here or it is very imminent.

24) authorities believe her cause of death to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

25) Haitian authorities currently believe that the disaster killed between 200,000 and 250,000 people.

26) authorities believe he had sent more than $50 million to Hizballah since 1995.

27) authorities believed that Barrow had been killed on the day of his abduction.

How to use authority in a sentence

28) authorities believe the stun guns are coming to Canada via the United States.

29) Then, Bishop used the hammer to kill his sleeping sons, authorities believe .

30) The attack may have been motivated by Murrain's own bullying, authorities believe .

31) Some authorities believe that one of the authors was St. Gertrude the Great.

32) The authorities also believe if these mercy missions continue it could present long term problems.

33) But authorities now believe Peaches died of a heroin overdose, an inquest revealed.

34) McCarty said authorities believe that Jones killed the five children at the same time.

35) Though local authorities believed union activists were to blame, no arrests have yet been made.

36) Was this a likely concession to someone whom the authorities believed had committed such horrific killings?

37) The authorities believe in the huge fallacy that the solution to terrorism should be technological.

38) authorities believe Quan and Wong have already transferred their assets to friends and family members.

39) authorities believe members of the Black Disciples street gang are responsible for Coleman's death.

40) At the time Pakistani authorities believed that Mehsud was in fact an al-Qaeda operative.

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