
abruptly awaken in a sentence

1) They are abruptly awakened by a prostitute ringing the doorbell.

2) This dark intro is abruptly awakened by the sharp percussions of "A Certain Malaise", which open the doors to a more intense rhythm.

awaken collocations
3) It was created at some undefined point before the beginning of the series when a large portion of the Scub Coral was abruptly awakened from its dormant state.

4) Mimi appears to die, but abruptly awakens, claiming to have been heading into a white light, except that a vision of Angel told her to go back.

abruptly awaken example sentences

5) Without warning, we are abruptly awakened into a wild, raging storm of what we will eventually come to call experience, feeling, sensation, emotion, and so forth.

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