
acute Collocations
acute1) These problems are especially acute around research stations.
2) All 50 assembly points were reportedly experiencing acute food shortages.
more acute sentences
acute accent1) The acute accent is used for long vowels.
2) The standardized orthography marks the long vowels with an acute accent .
more acute accent sentences
acute analysis1) A lot of really acute analysis here & I certainly agree with much of it.
2) Another reviewer for the \Express\ commented that \it's quite funny and an acute analysis \ of the modern divorce, and that the first episode was \distinctly promising\.
more acute analysis sentences
acute angle1) angles which are less than 90° are called acute angles .
2) Both deer were walking away from me at an acute angle .
more acute angle sentences
acute angles1) angles which are less than 90° are called acute angles .
2) The only letter with acute angles is ( \jani\).
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acute anxiety1) For many people the outcome is acute anxiety .
2) But this Booker listing caused him acute anxiety .
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acute appendicitis1) I developed acute appendicitis , which had already burst.
2) acute appendicitis is treated by surgery to remove the appendix.
more acute appendicitis sentences
acute chronic1) See scheduled acute and chronic pain management patients.
2) Suicide risk assessment should distinguish between acute and chronic risk.
more acute chronic sentences
acute coronary1) acute coronary syndrome should be ruled out.
2) Its use for acute coronary syndrome is of unknown benefit.
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acute embarrassment1) Early in her first premiership it caused her a moment of acute embarrassment .
2) My feeling of excitement was replaced by a feeling of acute embarrassment - with myself.
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acute environmental1) There has been no large-scale tourism and no acute environmental pressures.
2) The dock closures inevitably led to the visible scars of acute environmental deterioration and abject physical dereliction.
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acute failure1) acute renal failure is a medical emergency.
2) I was diagnosed with acute renal failure 7 months ago .
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acute hepatic1) Risk of acute hepatic injury than the pills.
2) Patients with acute hepatic porphyrias should be monitored for hepatocellular carcinoma.
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acute hospital1) Highlands now serves as an acute care hospital .
2) Newport News is served by two acute care hospitals .
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acute illness1) All enrolled subjects were free of acute illnesses .
2) Most acute illnesses require treatment with plant remedies.
more acute illness sentences
acute infarction1) Therefore 226 patients with acute lacunar infarction were finally included.
2) ACE inhibitors are said to be useful in acute myocardial infarction .
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acute infection1) Fever is generally high in acute infection .
2) An acute ear infection is a short and painful ear infection.
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acute inflammation1) Hence, acute inflammation ceases once the stimulus has been removed.
2) Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.
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acute inflammatory1) The acute inflammatory response requires constant stimulation to be sustained.
2) The affected area is occupied by a transient material called the acute inflammatory exudate.
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acute leukaemia1) In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia , immune cells called B cells become malignant.
2) SIR, - Spontaneous remission of acute leukaemia is unusual.
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acute leukemia1) Most importantly, very few patients develop acute leukemia .
2) acute leukemia which had precipitated a brain bleed.
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acute mind1) One such was Simon, whose vague manner concealed an agile and acute mind .
2) Later works from artists such as Claude Monet and Henri Rousseau convey the domineering personalities and acute minds of these legendary artists.
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acute myeloid1) acute myeloid leukemia is a relatively rare cancer.
2) Dacogen is used in treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes and for acute myeloid leukemia .
more acute myeloid sentences
acute myocardial1) ACE inhibitors are said to be useful in acute myocardial infarction.
2) Unfortunately, aspirin use in acute myocardial infarction is not universal.
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acute pain1) acute pain does however have a very helpful purpose.
2) I assumed the acute pain was caused by the fracture.
more acute pain sentences
acute pancreatitis1) These diagnoses were considered to represent severe acute pancreatitis .
2) CT is an important common initial assessment tool for acute pancreatitis .
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acute patient1) Initial 1 seeming with of acute patients deficit treatment.
2) My point is that chiropractors think these acute patients are being sent to physical therapy.
more acute patient sentences
acute poisoning1) Identification of substances causing acute poisoning using hair root.
2) acute poisoning is very obvious with symptoms occurring almost immediately.
more acute poisoning sentences
acute renal1) acute renal failure causes include the following.
2) acute renal failure is a medical emergency.
more acute renal sentences
acute respiratory1) The lungs had features consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
2) acute respiratory distress syndrome and altered mental status may also occur.
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acute sense of1) They both have this acute sense of evil.
2) Her poetry alluded to an acute sense of captivity and confinement.
more acute sense of sentences
acute shortage1) There was an acute shortage of teachers.
2) There was an acute shortage of supplies.
more acute shortage sentences
acute syndrome1) The lungs had features consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome .
2) There were 28 deaths from acute radiation syndrome .
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acute toxicity1) acute copper toxicity is generally associated with accidental ingestion.
2) acute fatal toxicity has been reported in deliberate overdose.
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acute viral1) acute viral hepatitis is more likely to be asymptomatic in children.
2) acute viral sinusitis generally clears up on its own within 7 - 10 days.
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acute ward1) This is no different to the position of an acute ward .
2) It will house short-stay patients, freeing beds in acute wards .
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as acute1) The need for administrators remained just as acute .
2) The transport bottlenecks are just as acute .
more as acute sentences
become acute1) But the problem is becoming more acute .
2) This problem has become more acute with time.
more become acute sentences
especially acute1) These problems are especially acute around research stations.
2) The issue is especially acute for girls.
more especially acute sentences
grow acute1) The endless roar of the ancient winds grew more acute .
2) Moreover, peasant land hunger grew ever more acute as the population swelled.
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hearing acute1) The giant otter's hearing is acute and its sense of smell excellent.
2) My hearing is painfully acute , and my sense of touch and smell quite profound.
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make acute1) The problem represented by these misconceptions is made more acute by the extremely difficult nature of Hegel's own texts.
2) And two centuries later, we still grapple with these questions – questions made more acute in moments of crisis.
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particularly acute1) Its hearing is neither particularly acute nor poor.
2) The problem is particularly acute in secondary schools.
2) This situation is particularly acute for migrant sex workers.
more particularly acute sentences
problem acute1) These problems are especially acute around research stations.
2) The problem is particularly acute in secondary schools.
more problem acute sentences
situation acute0) This situation is particularly acute for migrant sex workers.
1) The instability of the situation is far beyond acute .
2) In Greece the situation is particularly acute right now.
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so acute1) Her disappointment was so acute she was wringing her hands.
2) His hearing became so acute that he could hear heartbeats.
more so acute sentences
very acute1) The most active hunting spiders also have very acute eyesight.
2) The lesson there is very acute .
more very acute sentences

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