
baggy jeans in a sentence

1) Wearing baggy jeans or clothes are frowned upon.

2) baggy jeans with holes in the knees?

baggy collocations
3) He was wearing baggy jeans and a striped blue sweatshirt.

4) I HATE baggy jeans.....on anybody, slim jeans are definitely preferable.

baggy jeans example sentences

5) baggy jeans and sweater that did little to hide a very female shape beneath.

6) They go good with baggy jeans.

7) He was wearing a light coloured hooded top, dark blue baggy jeans and trainers.

8) He had a shaved head, wore baggy jeans and a loose-fitting T-shirt.

9) He wears baggy jeans, trademark gloves, brown sneakers, and a red shirt.

10) He wears baggy jeans, old boots, a kerchief tied over his shaved head.

11) Steer clear of baggy jeans and track clothes if you don't want to look boyish.

12) Sprawled on his second-hand sofa in baggy jeans and a scruffy jumper, his greying beard belies his 42 years.

13) Allison was biologically a girl but felt more comfortable wearing Tony Hawk long-sleeved T-shirts, baggy jeans, and black tennis shoes.

14) He too wore baggy jeans and baseball boots, and across his T-shirt the words'ski-Club' could be clearly seen.

example sentences with baggy

15) At our Christmas banquet he saw me for the first time not wearing baggy jeans but a low-cut purple polka-dot mini dress.

16) He lost his shoes as he was running down the courthouse steps and the baggy jeans fell off when he tried to leap over some shrubs.

17) Bozo Shawn was fashionably attired in a pair of those extremely baggy jeans and when the roll up door of the stand went up it took along him and his jeans.

18) She merged the two opposites seamlessly, from baggy jeans and floppy hats to skintight Navajo bra tops in the "If" video.

19) Cholas may wear clothing that is very similar to Cholos, such as Dickies pants or baggy jeans, tank-tops or T-shirts, as well as halter-tops or blouses.

20) Eminem continued his performance into the arena and was followed by a hundred Eminem 'clones' wearing white tank tops and baggy jeans with dyed bleach blonde hair.

21) Elements of hardcore clothing include baggy jeans or work pants, athletic wear, cargo or military shorts, khakis or cargo pants, band T-shirts, plain T-shirts, muscle shirts, and band hoodies.

22) From Adidas tracksuits and rope chains to baggy jeans and Timberland footwear, hip hop's look remained married to the styles of the street.

23) Aaliyah participated in fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger's All America Tour and was featured in Tommy Jean ads, which depicted her in boxer shorts, baggy jeans and a tube top.

24) We totally copped these three looks ( courtesy of everyday dudes), and one blogger even showed up how to pull off our beau's baggy jeans with aplomb.

25) Hollywood style icons Katy Perry, Kate Bosworth and Elle Fanning paired them with jeans, flowy chiffon skirts and baggy jeans respectively.

26) In the 1990s, very baggy jeans were in fashion, as part of the grunge movement

27) I've seen a lot of baggy jeans lately, but I don't know how to wear them without

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