
backhaul in a sentence

1) A fast local connection is an illusion if the backhaul is heavily contended .

2) These products include wireless infrastructure, microwave backhaul, and wireless broadband access.

3) Something tells me they 've already started with the backhaul at least.

4) Massive MIMO would also be employed in high-speed backhaul links.

backhaul example sentences

5) Though the telcos would then have the money to improve backhaul .

6) This includes both direct network feeds and broadcast syndication, but generally not backhauls.

7) In other regions, urban and rural backhaul is usually provided by microwave links.

8) They are charged by their backhaul providers in Mbit, that is speed.

9) Yes, I agree we're going to need more backhaul in future.

10) It means, well, backhaul.

11) It will request additional transportation support and coordinate backhaul from the corps MCB.

12) An empty backhaul is called deadheading.

13) Backhaul: the industry 25 and 10 years ago 25 YEARS AGO .

14) The backhaul can be with a full, partial, or empty load.

example sentences with backhaul

15) Under Rate Schedule BHS, customers have primary rights associated with backhaul service.

16) So it would still provide most of the same infrastructure, the backhaul infrastructure.

17) Known bandwidth, more passive to backhaul, less expensive cooling and power in suburbia.

18) Ultra-high capacity Microwave backhaul Systems also use 1024-QAM.

19) Extensive wireless networks backhaul data on soil hydration and environmental factors to faraway servers for analysis.

20) Almost every professional sports venue in the country uses fiber as a backhaul, not satellite.

21) A fiber optic backhaul connects access points and roadside equipment together to Metro's Communication Center.

22) These exchanges do not currently offer the Easy Broadband 1200 GB plan due to backhaul limitations.

23) Steerable millimeter-wave antennas will enable the formation of a high-capacity backhaul network between aerial and ground platforms.

24) Oh, but in many rural areas they do use point-to-point wireless for the backhaul.

25) According to REX, BHS shippers will be able to nominate both primary and secondary backhaul points.

26) Targeting yet another use of Wi-Fi, Ruckus is equipping its smallest APs for backhaul via cellular.

27) Competitors and customers reported slower than expected speeds, with one ISP director criticizing Telecom's backhaul network.

How to use backhaul in a sentence

28) Let's say the backhaul for this neighborhood is a OC3, capable of 155.52 Mbps.

29) But they aren't using wireless for the backhaul, they're using it for the last mile.

30) The significant question, other than the one on wholesale access, is what they do for backhaul.

31) T-Mobile Germany uses Flash-OFDM to backhaul Wi-Fi HotSpots on the Deutsche Bahn's ICE high speed trains.

32) Backhaul: The process of a transportation vehicle returning from the original destination point to the point of origin.

33) My understanding was not for middle mile backhaul, rather than not for providing service to the SME community.

34) Recommendation 5.10 The FCC should revise its rules to allow for greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness in deploying wireless backhaul.

35) Availability is determined by the proliferation of higher bandwidth backhaul in order to support the larger amount of data required.

36) Or, much the same thing, provide a common carrier type of backhaul network for non-21CN exchanges.

37) This includes setting up a network comprising of wi-fi hot spots to offload traffic indoors and an Internet Protocol-based backhaul .

38) In the absence of a reliable backbone, satellite has provided transmission and backhaul capacity, as well as international connectivity.

39) Agile Communications is a pioneer of deploying cost-effective, competitive backhaul networks including their own microwave network in rural South Australia.

40) The deployment leverages existing premises and backhaul and greatly reduces Capital Expenditure (CapEx) and Operational Expenditure (OpEx).

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