
baboon in a sentence

1) Young baboons are reared in social units of complex structure.

2) This has reduced baboon numbers and disrupted their social structure.

3) How many company did this baboon built for employment .

4) baboons are more readily available, but impractical as potential donors.

baboon example sentences

5) Despite persecution, the baboon is still widespread and numerous.

6) The common baboon belongs to this type of social gathering.

7) Two markedly different patterns of social organization have been observed among baboons.

8) There are different subspecies of baboons in Africa.

9) As is "don't mess with baboons.

10) The Baboon's lifespan 20-30 years.

11) Adoption behavior has been observed in chacma baboons.

12) The tape displayed a black baboon that Gooch just had killed.

13) The first striking feature is the mobility of the male baboons.

14) But unfortunately the southern baboons escaped with all the monkeys.

example sentences with baboon

15) Olive baboons communicate with various vocalizations and facial expressions.

16) In the end he as a real baboon ass.

17) Zuckerman observed male baboons kill each other in a captive environment.

18) Getting to spend time with the baboons.

19) baboons can distinguish between written words and gibberish .

20) What is the relationship between chimps and baboons?

21) The grassy woodlands have baboons and many species of antelope.

22) baboons are native to Africa and and live in hierarchical groups.

23) What is the relationship of baboons to us? 20.

24) Other people have spotted a baboon shape in the rocks.

25) We also saw some Olive baboon families as well.

26) Children can you now tell who that baboon is?

27) Look at research baboon whooping cough study.

How to use baboon in a sentence

28) What weapons do chimps use against baboons?

29) A baboon shrieked on the far side of the pavilion.

30) The chacma baboon is widespread and does not rank among threatened animal species.

31) Adjacent to the baboons are two snakes.

32) She often uses her allure to escape enemies (especially Baboon).

33) baboons are usually quiet, and social vocalizations are mainly soft grunts.

34) Savanna baboon display a number of mating tactics correlated with their age.

35) This mode is where all of my frustrations lie; those stupid baboons.

36) Packer (1977) has shown that baboons are capable of reciprocal altruism.

37) During these altercations, dogs and baboons can be injured.

38) On this definition the local baboon could have 'hacked android'.

39) Zebras, warthogs and baboons are also readily taken.

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