
tax amnesty in a sentence

1) Thinking you need IRS tax amnesty ?

amnesty collocations
2) Riverboat excursions and promises of tax amnesties lured home buyers to the subdivision.

3) Tell you what , can I have a Fed tax amnesty for a few years?

tax amnesty example sentences

4) Because the economy is struggling, this may be a banner year in the US for state tax amnesties .

5) A tax amnesty would allow unpaid taxes since 1986 to be paid at 15-20 per cent of their original value.

6) Why not also give developers a tax amnesty , slave labour , a comfy chair and a cup of tea as well?

7) For those who haven't declared their taxable income or capital gain from the sale of a property, HMRC's current tax amnesty gives them until September 6 to pay it.

8) Tax amnesties : For example, those that legalize unreported assets in tax havens and cash

9) 5.50 pm GMT Spanish tax amnesty brings in just half expected amount A Spanish tax amnesty has raised just half the amount expected.

10) 5.50 pm GMT Spanish tax amnesty brings in just half expected amount A Spanish tax amnesty has raised just half the amount expected.

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