
international athletics in a sentence

1) international athletics officials insisted they could neither confirm nor deny the report.

2) Gateshead international Stadium regularly holds international athletics meetings over the summer months.

athletics collocations
3) The rules followed are laid down by the Race Walking Association and the international athletics Federation.

4) BUTCH REYNOLDS, the world 400m record-holder, is vowing to return to international athletics.

international athletics example sentences

5) In 1981, the "Fanny Blankers-Koen Games", an international athletics event, were established.

6) international athletics has inculcated in O'Rourke a need for structure and organisation in her life.

7) The athlete, Daley Thompson, has announced his retirement from international athletics after sustaining a leg injury.

8) international athletics officials are investigating 17 suspected doping cases highlighted by blood tests, it was revealed on Wednesday.

9) In the same year, the stadium was used for an England 'B' international athletics meeting.

10) The first major athletic event held at the stadium was the Vaux Breweries international athletics meet in July 1961.

11) It was inspired by Brendan Foster and it brought international athletics to the town and put it on the map.

12) This is how he started his climb to the top in management in Italian and international athletics (IAAF).

13) Designated Britain's premier venue for international athletics events, it can also house conventions or concerts for up to 13,000.

14) The Donovan Bailey Invitational is now part of the new Edmonton international athletics Festival, which runs May 25 to June 25.

example sentences with athletics

15) A number of London 2012 Games Olympians will be competing at the annual Loughborough international athletics event this weekend on Sunday 19th May.

16) With the old Gateshead club now defunct, South Shields sold their ground and moved into the international athletics Stadium and adopted the name of Gateshead United.

17) First at the Belgrade international athletics Meet (10.93), then at the European Champion Clubs Cup at his own Red Star stadium (22.18 PB u0026 10.84).

18) Ethel Scott (1907–84) had a Jamaican father and an English mother was the first black woman to represent Great Britain in an international athletics competition.

19) The 14th IAAF World Championships in athletics (or just Moscow 2013) was an international athletics competition held in Moscow, Russia, from 10–18 August 2013.

20) The stadium continued to host international athletics throughout the 1970s, as well as important European football games as Eintracht Frankfurt continued to be a strong team within Germany.

21) When the comprehensive refurbishment of the stadium was completed more than a decade later, Brendan Foster (by this time a Gateshead Council employee) proposed an international athletics meet.

22) His first foray into the international athletics circuit came in 2002, when he attended the 2002 IAAF World Cross Country Championships in Dublin.

23) Campbell surprised Dave Collins and UK Athletics, who had been expecting him to retire following the two-day international athletics meeting at Birmingham taking place over the following two days.

24) Since then, Kenyan women have become a major presence in international athletics at the distances; most of these women are Kalenjin.

25) athletics – Queensway international athletics stadium in Caia Park is Wrexham's second stadium after the Racecourse and has hosted the Welsh Open athletics event in recent years.

26) In the city also is home to the new 3,000-seats athletics Municipal Stadium, which was built between 2001 and 2013, with the intention to host international athletics competitions.

27) Foote Field also hosts the Canadian athletics Coaching Centre, and had previously hosted events in international athletics competitions, such as the 2001 World Championships in Athletics.

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