
in an avalanche in a sentence

1) Unfortunately, Joel meets his end in an avalanche.

2) One raised brow and you're soon in an avalanche.

avalanche collocations
3) Two people died in Glen Coe in an avalanche.

4) Enough of this searching for the bright spots in an avalanche .

in an avalanche example sentences

5) Eleven climbers were killed in an avalanche on September 23, 2012.

6) Their affair is cut short when Luke is presumed dead in an avalanche.

7) You just die in an avalanche.

8) Unfortunately Günther was killed in an avalanche on the Diamir Face.

9) A body was found by another team in an avalanche slope of Snowmass Mountain.

10) Wang was killed in an avalanche the next day before he could provide additional details.

11) It must have been killed in an avalanche or died in a blizzard earlier in the winter.

12) Victims caught in an avalanche are advised to try to escape to the side of the avalanche.

13) Four members of the party were killed in an avalanche and they failed to reach the summit.

14) He is afraid of loud noises resembling avalanches, due to his family being killed in an avalanche.

example sentences with avalanche

15) They are defeated when they are buried in an avalanche created by the planet's native Chaos monster.

16) Tabei was one of seven Japanese climbers injured in an avalanche at Camp II on May 4.

17) On April 5, 1970, six Sherpas died in an avalanche at the Khumbu Icefall.

18) However, before more information could be obtained, Wang was killed in an avalanche the following day.

19) Mallory was faulted for leading a group down from the North Col which got caught in an avalanche.

20) It's easy to let our perspective get buried in an avalanche of cotton blends at Mount Laundry.

21) The Yeti close in on the two survivors, however, and Friend is killed in an avalanche.

22) You need it if you get buried in an avalanche or you are searching your partner who got buried.

23) During the course of the show, they get caught in an avalanche and end up in a cave.

24) Tragically, four climbers from another team descending ahead of Manning and his group lost their lives in an avalanche.

25) She got caught in an avalanche in Alaska on Easter and credits an avalanche air bag with helping her survive.

26) After 16 Mount Everest porters died in an avalanche on April 18, the world reacted with sorrow and outrage.

27) After being trapped in an avalanche at a ski resort on the honeymoon, Brenda and Sonny agree to reconcile.

How to use avalanche in a sentence

28) an altercation between the two results in an avalanche that puts Ross in a coma, and knocks out Banner.

29) It comes after 16 Sherpas died in an avalanche last week and growing tensions between the guides and the Nepalese Government.

30) Wolf takes the three pieces of Nanuak to the mountain, as Hord and the bear are killed in an avalanche.

31) It was reported today that the professional freeskier, Jamie Pierre, died in an avalanche in Little Cottonwood, Utah.

32) A side branch, thrusts up very high, however, and falls down again in an avalanche of dark green twigs.

33) While it was being planned, news came through that Haston had been killed in an avalanche while skiing in the Alps.

34) The wave had had its ropes cut and was erupting in an avalanche of fury that would bury everything in its path.

35) The assumption is that if the person gets buried in an avalanche, the light cord stays on top of the snow.

36) According to the last, fragmentary journal entries, Takeno had been tracking the creature when he was caught in an avalanche.

37) That same year, seven Sherpas were killed when they were caught in an avalanche during an expedition led by George Mallory.

38) Shane lost his life in an avalanche on February 11th, 2014 while backcountry skiing in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon.

39) The cylinder was filled with a compressed chemical that would have smothered both Sweetman and me in an avalanche of nauseating foam.

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