
extremely attentive in a sentence

1) The staff was extremely attentive without being obnoxious.

2) Prices are very competitive and the staff were extremely attentive.

attentive collocations
3) The Sundance staff is extremely attentive to our needs.

4) The waiters were extremely attentive and friendly.

extremely attentive example sentences

5) Servers are extremely attentive and wearing a three button sports coat.

6) Newcastle remained extremely attentive to the Austrian Alliance.

7) You must be extremely attentive, even cautious, while choosing your political signs.

8) Lucy McGibbon - inspirational Lucas u0026 Adam in the evening were extremely attentive.

9) Glennette is honest, hard-working, sharp, and extremely attentive to her clients' needs.

10) The American Staffordshire Terrier is generally tenacious, friendly, courageous, determined, and extremely attentive.

11) We offer a complete hotel service and as a family run business you will find our staff extremely attentive.

12) Classes u0026 lectures are all conveyed via the online tutorials, and so make certain that you are extremely attentive enough.

13) During my talks I observed that this gentleman (we'll call him David) was extremely attentive, absorbing every word.

14) The food was better than what I have had in the Middle East and the staff were extremely attentive, courteous and happy to oblige with any request.

example sentences with attentive

15) He has been extremely attentive and I feel like he thinks that this has brought us closer, and while we have been closer and he has been more attentive, I'm still extremely hurt.

16) Stockhausen agreed, and the world premiere took place there on 15 December 1956, "before a quiet and extremely attentive audience" (; ).

17) Cooper is portrayed in the sketch as being extremely attentive to detail in his messages to Diane, including informing her of how many hairs he found in his shower the night before.

18) For example, Joyce sees the extremely attentive Giles merely as a teacher concerned about Buffy as a student who has experienced academic problems in the past.

19) Unlike Hank's demeanor with Bobby, Dale is extremely attentive to Joseph's needs and feelings, and is never afraid to express his affection for him.

20) Clean, spacious and with a nice terrace for summer eating, Element Fresh serves good-sized portions and the waiting staff are extremely attentive.

21) A dramatic escape from Bahrain Formula One not so welcomed in Bahrain Boy, 11, acquitted over Bahrain protest Back in the auditorium, her audience is small, but extremely attentive.

22) He is extremely attentive, phones, emails or texts constantly

23) " We have to be extremely attentive.

24) Chic atmosphere and the staff are extremely attentive. edit

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