
expense attributable in a sentence

1) The increase in personnel expense was primarily attributable to the addition of loan originators for new offices opened.

2) Beginning in 2013, individual taxpayers can use the optional safe harbor method to determine the amount of deductible expenses attributable to certain business use of a residence during the tax year.

attributable collocations
3) Cost of Goods Sold includes only the expenses directly attributable to creating the product or service . Examples would include raw materials and direct labor costs.

4) Allowable cost items are limited to those payments made by the employee that represent unavoidable expense directly attributable to lease termination prior to the expiration date.

expense attributable example sentences

5) What were the medical expenses attributable to injuries caused by poor ergonomic design? ■ How many times will a reusable container be used?

6) Any unallowable moving expense deduction that you choose to recapture as explained under Moving expense attributable to Foreign Earnings in 2 Years in chapter 5.

7) There is also potential for delay and expense attributable to the public shareholders' special rights and the costs of functioning as a registered public company.

8) The only expense attributable to the education of the taxpayers' children (additional food, laundry, stationery etc.) was fully covered by the one-fifth concessionary fee paid by the taxpayers.

9) Some investment analysts advocate that expenses attributable to the use of leverage should be considered a reduction of investment income rather than an expense, and publish adjusted ratios.

10) recognising reimbursable expenses attributable to jobs, categorising them correctly and maintaining their separation from the operating costs of the business;

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